
2024 ballot: US Senate race between incumbent Tim Kaine and Hung Cao.
All 11 US House seats are also on the ballot.

Ballot measures: None as yet

The State Board of Elections administers elections and campaign finance laws, including the preparation of ballots and implementation of state and federal election laws (such as the Help America Vote Act).

> All city and county elections will also occur on Nov. 7, 2023.

OnAir Post: Virginia Votes in 2025


2023 General Assembly Candidates
Virginia Department of Elections
ffice TitleDistrictPolitical Party DescrCandidate NameCampaign EmailCampaign Day Time PhoneCampaign WebsiteCampaignAddressLine1CampaignAddressLine2Campaign CityCampaign StateCampaign Zip
Member, House of Delegates1DemocraticPatrick A. Hopepatrick.hope@verizon.net703-486-1010hopeforvirginia.org512 N Park DrArlingtonVA222032306
Member, House of Delegates2DemocraticAdele Y. McClureadele@adeleforva.comhttps://AdeleforVa.comP.O. Box 2003ArlingtonVA22202
Member, House of Delegates3DemocraticAlfonso H. Lopezalfonsolop@gmail.cpm571-336-2147https://www.alfonsolopez.org808 S Barton StArlingtonVA222042143
Member, House of Delegates3IndependentMajor Mike Webbmike.webb84@gmail.com856-220-1354https://www.MajorMikeWebb.org955 S Columbus Street#426ArlingtonVA22204
Member, House of Delegates4DemocraticCharniele L. Herringinfo@charnieleherring.com703-606-9705charnieleherring.comPO Box 11779AlexandriaVA223120779
Member, House of Delegates5DemocraticElizabeth B. Bennett-Parkerelizabethfordelegate@gmail.com703-789-0776https://www.elizabethfordelegate.com107 S West St # 152AlexandriaVA223142824
Member, House of Delegates6DemocraticRichard C. “Rip” Sullivan Jr.ripsullivan48@gmail.com571-210-5876ripsullivan.comPO Box 50753ArlingtonVA22205
Member, House of Delegates6RepublicanKristin L. Hoffmankristin4nova@gmail.com703-307-1147PO Box 476Great FallsVA220660476
Member, House of Delegates7DemocraticKaren A. Keys-Gamarrakaren@karenkeysgamarra.com571-332-5789karenkeysgamarra.com2688 Linda Marie DrOaktonVA221241111
Member, House of Delegates7RepublicanLuellen Hoffman Maskenyluellen1@comcast.net703-272-8777https://www.Hoffman4Reston.com1948A Villaridge DrRestonVA20191
Member, House of Delegates8DemocraticIrene Shinirene@ireneforva.com818-731-6796PO Box 5501HerndonVA201721993
Member, House of Delegates8RepublicanMax B. Fishermaxwell.fisher@hotmail.com703-587-18712100 Highcourt Ln Apt 302HerndonVA201705890
Member, House of Delegates9DemocraticKarrie K. Delaneykarrie@karriedelaney.com703-996-9413https://www.karriedelaney.comPO Box 930542CentrevilleVA20120
Member, House of Delegates9RepublicanNhan C. Huynhhuynhforvirginia@gmail.com703-717-1099huynhforvirginia.comPO Box 1431CentrevilleVA201228431
Member, House of Delegates10DemocraticDan I. Helmerdan@danhelmer.com571-762-4583https://www.danhelmer.comP.O. Box 7267Fairfax StationVA22039
Member, House of Delegates10RepublicanJames A. Thomas, Jr.703-570-5241https://www.thomasforvirginia.comP.O. BOX 13Fairfax StationVA22039
Member, House of Delegates11DemocraticDavid L. Bulovadelegate@davidbulova.com703-488-3770www.davidbulova.comPO Box 106Fairfax StationVA220390106
Member, House of Delegates11RepublicanAlmira Mohammedhi@almiraforvirginia.comhttps://www.almiraforvirginia.com10929 Park RdFairfaxVA22030
Member, House of Delegates12DemocraticHolly M. Seiboldholly@hollyseibold.com202-297-4438www.hollyseibold.com1101 Redwood Dr SEViennaVA221805934
Member, House of Delegates13DemocraticMarcus B. Simoninfo@marcussimon.com571-327-0053www.marcussimon.comPO Box 958Falls ChurchVA220400958
Member, House of Delegates13LibertarianDave A. Crance Jr.davecrance@dave4va.com703-639-7535www.dave4va.com7418 Paxton RdFalls ChurchVA220431303
Member, House of Delegates14DemocraticVivian E. Wattsvwatts@erols.com703-978-2989vivianwatts.com8717 Mary Lee LnAnnandaleVA220033659
Member, House of Delegates14RepublicanCurtis L. Wells Jr.5017 Caryn Ct Apt 302AlexandriaVA223125066
Member, House of Delegates15DemocraticLaura Jane H. Coheninfo@laurajanecohen.com703-655-6641laurajanecohen.comPO Box 273BurkeVA220090273
Member, House of Delegates15RepublicanMarcus T. Evansmarcus.tatum.evans@gmail.com703-828-4891marcusforva15.com9907 Natick RdBurkeVA220152934
Member, House of Delegates16DemocraticPaul E. Krizekpaul@paulkrizek.com703-282-0241https://www.paulkrizek.com2201 Whiteoaks DrAlexandriaVA223062436
Member, House of Delegates17DemocraticMark D. Sicklesinfo@marksickles.com703-608-2837marksickles.comPO Box 10628AlexandriaVA223100628
Member, House of Delegates18DemocraticKathy K. L. Trankathy@kathyfordelegate.com703-622-2730www.kathyfordelegate.comPO Box 2731SpringfieldVA221520731
Member, House of Delegates18RepublicanEdward F. McGovernedwardmcgovern37@gmail.com703-470-9933PO Box 667SpringfieldVA221500667
Member, House of Delegates19DemocraticRozia A. “J.R.” Henson, Jr.Rozia@Henson4va.comhttps://www.Henson4VA.comP.O. Box 4026WoodbridgeVA22194
Member, House of Delegates20DemocraticMichelle-Ann E. Lopes Maldonadomichelle@michelle4va.com571-287-3204michelle4va.com11151 Valley View Dr # 642BristowVA201361529
Member, House of Delegates20RepublicanSharon E. Ashurstsharon4HOD20@gmail.com703-220-4947sharon4vahd20.com8908 Barnett StManassasVA201104918
Member, House of Delegates21DemocraticJosh E. Thomasinfo@jetforva.com703-594-7244jetforva.comPO Box 922GainesvilleVA201560922
Member, House of Delegates21RepublicanJohn T. Stirrupvotestirrup@comcast.net703-606-8340stirrupfordelegate.comPO Box 280HaymarketVA201680280
Member, House of Delegates22DemocraticTravis S. Nembhardtravis@nembhardforvirginia.com703-596-5975nembhardforvirginia.comPO Box 4302ManassasVA201080728
Member, House of Delegates22RepublicanIan Travis Lovejoyian@votelovejoy.com571-762-8387votelovejoy.com9305 Baylor Park CtBristowVA201362154
Member, House of Delegates23DemocraticCandi Patrice Mundon Kingcandi.mundon@gmail.com202-679-8203candikingforva.com17717 Wayside DrDumfriesVA220264516
Member, House of Delegates23RepublicanJames V. Tullytullyforvirginia@gmail.com540-783-8751tullyforvirginia.comPO Box 413GarrisonvilleVA224630413
Member, House of Delegates24DemocraticLuke E. Torianinfo@delegatetorian.com703-785-2224www.delegatetorian.com4222 Fortuna Center Plz PMB 659DumfriesVA220251515
Member, House of Delegates25DemocraticBriana D. Sewellinfo@sewellfordelegate.com703-239-4581sewellfordelegate.comPO Box 1849WoodbridgeVA221951849
Member, House of Delegates25RepublicanJohn S. GrayJohn@johngraycpa.com703-497-043012510 Lake Ridge Dr Ste ALake RidgeVA221927501
Member, House of Delegates26DemocraticKannan Srinivasankannanfordelegate@gmail.com703-863-6453kannanfordelegate.com22575 Leanne Ter Apt 308AshburnVA201486853
Member, House of Delegates26RepublicanRafi M. Freeport PlSterlingVA201662160
Member, House of Delegates27DemocraticAtoosa R. Reaserteam@atoosareaser.com703-328-1909atoosareaser.comPO Box 651052SterlingVA201651052
Member, House of Delegates27RepublicanChris K. Harnischchristopher.harnisch@gmail.com703-214-3302chris4va.comPO Box 26141AlexandriaVA223136141
Member, House of Delegates28DemocraticDavid A. Reidreidfordelegate@gmail.com703-622-2915delegatedavidreid.comPO Box 4132AshburnVA201480007
Member, House of Delegates28RepublicanPaul K. Lottpklott@me.com571-621-309043238 Chokeberry SqAshburnVA201474463
Member, House of Delegates29DemocraticFernando J. “Marty” Martinezmarty@martyfordelegate.com703-901-4452martyfordelegate.com704 Bellview Ct NELeesburgVA201764932
Member, House of Delegates29RepublicanJonathan Mark Rogersjmarkrogers@icloud.com703-731-1648192 Alpine Dr SELeesburgVA201756168
Member, House of Delegates30DemocraticRobert L. “Rob” Banse Jr.rob@robbanse.com540-422-5803robbanse.comPO Box 142DelaplaneVA201440142
Member, House of Delegates30RepublicanGeary M. Higginsgearyhigg@aol.com540-664-1530www.gearyhiggins.com39388 Old Wheatland RdWaterfordVA201971028
Member, House of Delegates31DemocraticSteven E. Foremanwarrendemsrespond@gmail.com703-568-0859887 Osprey LnFront RoyalVA226308340
Member, House of Delegates31IndependentGrace E. Morrisongrace@gracefordelegate.com540-398-9225gracefordelegate.com1504 Applewood DrFront RoyalVA226309269
Member, House of Delegates31RepublicanDelores R. Oatesinfo@deloresfordelegate.com540-539-7003https://www.deloresfordelegate.com424-A South StreetBOX 230Front RoyalVA22630
Member, House of Delegates32DemocraticMadelyn “Mady” Rodriguezvotemady@gmail.com540-303-2316https://www.madyforvirginia.com222 Union View LaneWinchesterVA22603
Member, House of Delegates32RepublicanWilliam D. “Bill” Wileywdwiley@hotmail.com540-686-1771electbillwiley.com3626 Apple Pie Ridge RdWinchesterVA226032501
Member, House of Delegates33DemocraticBob W. Smithbobsmithsmail@gmail.com571-251-1453206 Grafton CtEdinburgVA228249415
Member, House of Delegates33RepublicanC. Todd Gilberttgilbert@shentel.net540-459-7550delegatetoddgilbert.comPO Box 309WoodstockVA226640309
Member, House of Delegates34DemocraticEsther M. Nizernizer4va@gmail.com540-810-547117283 Nizer LnElktonVA228272710
Member, House of Delegates34RepublicanTony O. Wilttony@tonywilt.com540-908-7618https://www.wiltfordelegate.comPO BOX 1425HarrisonburgVA22803
Member, House of Delegates35RepublicanChris S. Runionchris@chrisrunion.com540-255-0504chrisrunion.comPO Boc 202bridgewaterVA22812
Member, House of Delegates36DemocraticRandall K. Wolfrandallwolf@outlook.com540-256-3644wolf4delegate.comPO Box 61Stuarts DraftVA244770061
Member, House of Delegates36RepublicanEllen H. Campbellellen@campbellfordelegate.com540-784-5353https:\\www.campbellfordelegate.comPO Box 366FairfieldVA244350366
Member, House of Delegates37DemocraticStephanie R. Clarksmarieov21@gmail.com540-958-6438804 S Alleghany AveCovingtonVA244262002
Member, House of Delegates37RepublicanTerry L. Austinaus4del@aol.com540-254-1085PO Box 398BuchananVA240660398
Member, House of Delegates38DemocraticS. “Sam” Rasoulsam@samrasoul.us540-904-6905sam4va.comPO Box 13842RoanokeVA240373842
Member, House of Delegates39RepublicanWilliam P. Davisinfo@davisfordelegate.com540-483-5221davisfordelegate.com150 Tanyard RdRocky MountVA241511516
Member, House of Delegates40DemocraticMisty Dawn Vickersmistydawnforthepeople@gmail.com540-230-77064480 Banbury Ln Apt LRoanokeVA240182354
Member, House of Delegates40RepublicanJoseph P. “Joe” McNamarasnowshoeescapes@cox.netjoeforva.com2318 Brookfield DrRoanokeVA240186129
Member, House of Delegates41DemocraticLillian V. Franklinlily@lilyfordelegate.com540-257-6797lilyfordelegate.comPO Box 104BlacksburgVA240630104
Member, House of Delegates41RepublicanJ. Christian “Chris” Obenshainchris@obenshainfordelegate.com540-808-3211www.obenshainfordelegate.comPO Box 10041BlacksburgVA240620041
Member, House of Delegates42RepublicanJason S. Ballardjasonballardva@gmail.com540-787-5011ballardfordelegate.comPO Box 341PearisburgVA241340341
Member, House of Delegates43IndependentDavid M. “Tiger Dave” Ratliffdavidmalcolmratliff@icloud.com276-469-31091349 Priest FrkBeeVA242174524
Member, House of Delegates43RepublicanJames W. “Will” Morefielddelegatemorefield@gmail.com276-345-4300http://www.willmorefield.comP.O. BOX 644Pounding MillVA24637
Member, House of Delegates44RepublicanIsrael D. O’Quinndelioquinn@house.virginia.gov276-525-1311israeloquinn.comPO Box 16325BristolVA242096325
Member, House of Delegates45RepublicanTerry G. Kilgoreterry@delegatekilgore.comdelegatekilgore.comPO Box 669Gate CityVA242510669
Member, House of Delegates46RepublicanJonathan E. “Jed” Arnoldjea@cclawfirm.net276-783-8197239 Park BlvdMarionVA243544103
Member, House of Delegates47DemocraticPatricia Lynn QuesenberryFriendsofpatty@yahoo.com539 Quesenberry Rd NWWillisVA24380
Member, House of Delegates47IndependentJacob C. Frogeljcfrogel.3407@gmail.com285 Pine Grove RdAustinvilleVA24312
Member, House of Delegates47RepublicanWren M. Williamswren@wrenwilliamsva.com276-694-2455wrenwilliamsva.comPO Box 192StuartVA241710192
Member, House of Delegates48RepublicanLes R. Adamsles@lesadams.org434-432-1600lesadams.orgPO Box KChathamVA245310990
Member, House of Delegates49RepublicanD.W. “Danny” Marshall IIIdwmarshall@hotmail.com434-797-5861PO Box 439DanvilleVA245430439
Member, House of Delegates50DemocraticJoshua K. BlakelyBlakelyforDelegate@gmail.com434-394-0611P.O. BOX 164FarmvilleVA23901
Member, House of Delegates50RepublicanThomas C. Wright Jr.thomascwright@embarqmail.com434-696-3061PO Box 1323VictoriaVA239741323
Member, House of Delegates51DemocraticKimberly A. Morankamoran17@yahoo.com1096 Wells RoadBedfordVA24523
Member, House of Delegates51IndependentC. Matt Farissfriendsofmattfariss@gmail.com434-821-3929https://www.mattfariss.com243-C Livestock RdRustburgVA24588
Member, House of Delegates51RepublicanEric R. Zehreric@americanhousewash.com434-333-633381 New Covenant LnRustburgVA245884693
Member, House of Delegates52DemocraticJennifer K. Woofterjennifer@jenniferwoofterfordelegate.com202-380-7544https://www.jenniferwoofterfordelegate.com801 Court StSuite 101LynchburgVA24504
Member, House of Delegates52RepublicanWendell S. Walkerwendellwalker2@gmail.com434-515-2264www.wendellwalker.orgPO Box 3331LynchburgVA245030331
Member, House of Delegates53DemocraticSamuel R. Soghorsamforva@gmail.com434-381-0280PO Box 1051AmherstVA245211051
Member, House of Delegates53RepublicanTimothy P. Griffintim@griffinforvirginia.com434-660-6198griffinforvirginia.comPO Box 394ForestVA245510394
Member, House of Delegates54DemocraticKatrina E. Callsenkatrina@katrinacallsen.com860-753-1335katrinacallsen.comPO Box 442CharlottesvilleVA229020442
Member, House of Delegates55DemocraticAmy J. Lauferamy@amylaufer.com540-251-4603https://lauferfordelegate.comP.O. Box 257KeswickVA22947
Member, House of Delegates55RepublicanSteve D. Harveysteveharveyvirginia@protonmail.comsteveharveyvirginia.com2305 Frays Mill RdRuckersvilleVA229681614
Member, House of Delegates56RepublicanThomas A. “Tom” Garrett, Payne’s Pond RdScottsvilleVA24590
Member, House of Delegates57DemocraticSusanna S. Gibsonsusanna.s.gibson@gmail.com434-466-8979susannagibson.com3800 College Valley WayHenricoVA232337647
Member, House of Delegates57RepublicanDavid L. Oweninfo@votedavidowen.com804-372-0290votedavidowen.com830 Woodcove CtManakin SabotVA231033195
Member, House of Delegates58DemocraticRodney T. Willettrod@rodwillett.com804-698-1073www.rodwillett.comPO Box 29428HenricoVA232420428
Member, House of Delegates58RepublicanL. Riley Shaiainfo@rileyfordelegate.com804-727-9882rileyfordelegate.comPO Box 71596HenricoVA232551596
Member, House of Delegates59DemocraticRachel A. Levyrachel@rachelfordelegate.org804-496-1477rachelfordelegate.orgPO Box 869AshlandVA230050869
Member, House of Delegates59RepublicanH. F. “Buddy” Fowler, Jr.buddyfowlerfordelegate@gmail.com804-241-2670https:\\www.buddyfowler.comVA
Member, House of Delegates60DemocraticKeith Patrick Braxtonbraxtonkp84@gmail.com540-817-07717062 River Pine CtMechanicsvilleVA23111
Member, House of Delegates60RepublicanScott A. Wyattscott@votescottwyatt.com804-442-2737https://votescottwyatt.comP.O. Box 365MechanicsvilleVA23111
Member, House of Delegates61DemocraticLarry J. Jacksonfriendsoflarryjackson@gmail.com1177 Brittle Ridge RdWarrentonVA20187
Member, House of Delegates61RepublicanMichael J. Webertjohn@michael-webert.com540-999-8218michael-webert.comPO Box 469WarrentonVA201880469
Member, House of Delegates62DemocraticSara H. Ratcliffesara@saraforva.com434-327-7154saraforva.comPO Box 358RuckersvilleVA229680358
Member, House of Delegates62RepublicanNick J. Freitasnfreitas@nickjfreitas.com540-222-5382nickforva.comPO Box 113CulpeperVA227010113
Member, House of Delegates63RepublicanPhillip A. “Phil” Scottphillip@philscottva.com540-360-3789https://www.philscottva.com2515 Plank Road #287FredericksburgVA22401
Member, House of Delegates64DemocraticLeonard B. Laceyleonard@laceyfordelegate.org703-801-9690laceyfordelegate.org11 Hope Rd # 227StaffordVA225547287
Member, House of Delegates64RepublicanPaul V. Milde IIIgeneralinfo@paulmilde.com703-338-2830http://www.paulmilde.com10 Potomac View LnStaffordVA225545831
Member, House of Delegates65DemocraticJoshua G. Coleinfo@jgcole.org540-642-0165www.jgcole.orgPO Box 73FredericksburgVA224040073
Member, House of Delegates65RepublicanLee Peters, IIIteam@petersforvirginia.com703-216-6260petersforvirginia.comPO Box 5342FredericksburgVA224030342
Member, House of Delegates66DemocraticMark J. Luxbillymark26@gmail.com614-738-5629613 Lake Caroline DrRuther GlenVA225465114
Member, House of Delegates66RepublicanRobert D. “Bobby” Orrock Sr.borrock@bealenet.com540-220-3736https://bobbyorrock.netPO Box 458ThornburgVA225650458
Member, House of Delegates67DemocraticJohn Q. Smithsqnhoj@gmail.com540-413-4821PO BOX 1592King GeorgeVA22485
Member, House of Delegates67IndependentRichard W. KenskiRichard@TruReP.org804-724-1804https://www.Kenski4.us105 Hideaway LaneHeathsvilleVA22473
Member, House of Delegates67RepublicanHillary Pugh Kentpughhp@yahoo.com804-512-88123101 Islington RdWarsawVA225723653
Member, House of Delegates68RepublicanM. Keith Hodgeskeithhodges98@gmail.com804-277-9801keithhodges98.comPO Box 928UrbannaVA231750928
Member, House of Delegates69RepublicanW. Chad Green757-808-5236PO Box 3SeafordVA236960003
Member, House of Delegates70DemocraticShelly A. Simondscontact@simondsfordelegate.com757-276-3022www.simondsfordelegate.comPO Box 2296Newport NewsVA236090296
Member, House of Delegates70LibertarianMichael D. Bartleymikereng@yahoo.com757-775-3147https://www.voteBartley.com4 Executive DriveNewport NewsVA23606
Member, House of Delegates70RepublicanMatt J. Watersmw@mattwaters.com202-257-5054https://www.mattwaters.com52 Cameron DriveNewport NewsVA23606
Member, House of Delegates71DemocraticJessica L. Andersonjessanderson4vahod@gmail.com757-810-4862jessicaandersonforvirginia.comPO Box 1495WilliamsburgVA231871495
Member, House of Delegates71RepublicanAmanda E. Batteninfo@amandabatten.com757-741-7001www.amandabatten.comPO Box 194NorgeVA231270194
Member, House of Delegates72DemocraticBilal Z. Raychounibzraychouni4va@gmail.com617-650-12451915 Old Tavern RdPowhatanVA231396718
Member, House of Delegates72RepublicanR. Lee Ware Jr.leeware2011@hotmail.com804-598-6696delegateleeware.netPO Box 689PowhatanVA231390689
Member, House of Delegates73DemocraticHerb L. Walke Jr.herb.walke@gmail.com804-794-47811001 Clearlake RdNorth ChesterfieldVA232362026
Member, House of Delegates73RepublicanMark L. Earley, Jr.mark@markearleyforva.com804-277-4500markearleyforva.com14241 Midlothian Tpke # 140MidlothianVA231136500
Member, House of Delegates74RepublicanMichael A. Cherrymike@mikecherryforva.com804-678-8608mikecherryforva.comPO Box 1146Colonial HeightsVA238349146
Member, House of Delegates75DemocraticStephen C. Miller-Pitts, Jr.stephen@millerpitts4Va.comhttps://www.millerpitts4va.comP.O. BOX 2334ChesterVA23831
Member, House of Delegates75RepublicanCarrie Emerson Coynercoyner@delcoyner.com804-446-1867rudycoyner.comPO Box 58# 9910 Wagners WayChesterfieldVA238320001
Member, House of Delegates76DemocraticDebra D. Gardnerdebra.d.gardner@gmail.com804-840-75852500 Bexley Farms CtN. ChesterfieldVA23236
Member, House of Delegates76RepublicanDuc M. Truongduc.m.truong@proton.me804-956-53133217 Terrybluff DriveMidlothianVA23112
Member, House of Delegates77DemocraticMichael J. Jonesinfo@mikejonesfordelegate.com804-316-0234mikejonesfordelegate.comPO Box 25174Mike Jones For Delegate #RichmondVA232605174
Member, House of Delegates78DemocraticBetsy B. Carrinfo@betsycarr.org804-355-6852betsycarr.orgPO Box 14625RichmondVA232210625
Member, House of Delegates79DemocraticRae C. Cousinsraecousins@gmail.com804-274-0848www.raecousins.com2917 Hanes AveRichmondVA232223606
Member, House of Delegates80DemocraticDestiny L. Levere Bollingdestinyforva@gmail.com540-940-3174destinyforvirginia.com9962 Brook Rd # 671Glen AllenVA230596501
Member, House of Delegates81DemocraticDelores L. McQuinndeloresmcquinn23@gmail.com804-698-1070https://deloresmcquinn.net8800 Strath RoadHenricoVA23231
Member, House of Delegates82DemocraticKimberly Pope Adamskimadamsforva@gmail.com804-586-6722kimadamsforva.comPO Box 3928PetersburgVA238053928
Member, House of Delegates82RepublicanKim A. Taylordosp365@pm.me804-926-4493kimtaylorva.comPO Box 2122PetersburgVA238041422
Member, House of Delegates83DemocraticMary L. Personmlperson211@gmail.com804-631-3982PO Box 446EmporiaVA238470446
Member, House of Delegates83RepublicanH. Otto Wachsmann, Box 268Stony CreekVA238820268
Member, House of Delegates84DemocraticNadarius E. Clarknadarius23@gmail.com757-839-4758clarkfordelegate.comPO Box 829SuffolkVA234390829
Member, House of Delegates84RepublicanMichael J. Dillender757-335-5542mikedillenderva.comPO Box 6096SuffolkVA234330096
Member, House of Delegates85DemocraticMarcia S. “Cia” PriceFriendsofMarciaPrice@gmail.com757-251-0787https://www.PriceforDelegate.comP.O. Box 387Newport NewsVA23607
Member, House of Delegates86DemocraticJarris Louis Taylor, Jr.jarrisltaylorjr@gmail.com757-880-6299128 Ponsonby DrYorktownVA236932961
Member, House of Delegates86RepublicanA. C. Cordozaaccordoza@cordozaforvirginia.com757-751-0929cordozaforvirginia.com102 Pratt StFort MonroeVA236511106
Member, House of Delegates87DemocraticJeion A. Wardjwardfordelegate@yahoo.com757-827-5921jeionward.comPO Box 7310HamptonVA236660310
Member, House of Delegates87RepublicanJohn M. ChapmanJohnChapmanForVirginia@gmail.comhttps://www.JohnChapmanForVirginia.com209 Algonquin RDHamptonVA23661
Member, House of Delegates88DemocraticDon L. Scott Jr.don@bbtrial.com757-673-0001leaderdonscott.com4316 Midfield PkwyPortsmouthVA237033944
Member, House of Delegates88RepublicanJames M. “Jim” WrightJwright855@aol.com703-624-71211520 Blanche DrPortsmouthVA23701
Member, House of Delegates89DemocraticKaren L. Jenkinsmskljenkins@aol.com757-809-0214PO Box 4305suffolkVA23439
Member, House of Delegates89RepublicanN. Baxter Ennisbaxterennis6@gmail.com757-287-1035https://baxterennis.com403 Las Gaviotas BlvdChesapeakeVA23322
Member, House of Delegates90DemocraticJeremy D. Roddenjeremy@jeremyrodden.com757-952-6744https://www.jeremyrodden.com1225 Cherrytree Ln.ChesapeakeVA23320
Member, House of Delegates90RepublicanJames A. “Jay” Leftwich Jr.del.j.leftwich@gmail.com757-547-9191www.jayleftwich.com308 Cedar Lakes Dr Fl 3ChesapeakeVA233228342
Member, House of Delegates91DemocraticC. E. “Cliff” Hayes, Eden Way N Ste E PMB 183ChesapeakeVA233202798
Member, House of Delegates91RepublcianElijah Colonelijah.colon34@gmail.com757-338-80171149 Virginia AveChesapeakeVA23324
Member, House of Delegates92DemocraticBonita Grace Anthonyinfo@bonitaforva.com757-204-5492www.bonitaforva.comPO Box 1853NorfolkVA235011853
Member, House of Delegates92RepublicanMichael L. Durigmichaeldurig@cox.net308 Oaklette DriveChesapeakeVA23325
Member, House of Delegates93DemocraticJackie Hope Glassjackie@jackieglass.com757-472-1392delegatejackieglass.comPO Box 99071NorfolkVA235099071
Member, House of Delegates93RepublicanJohn Sitka IIIinfo@sitkafordelegate.com757-606-8829sitkafordelegate.comPO Box 10190NorfolkVA235130190
Member, House of Delegates94DemocraticPhil M. Hernandezinfo@philforvirginia.com757-339-1767www.philforvirginia.comPO Box 8927Phil For Va #NorfolkVA235030927
Member, House of Delegates94RepublicanAndrew B. “Andy” Pittmanandrew@pittmanlawpc.com757-213-6913andyfornorfolk.com100 E Ocean View Ave Apt 1109NorfolkVA235031635
Member, House of Delegates95DemocraticAlex Q. Askewaskew@alexaskew.com757-434-4384alexaskew.com344 Legato Cir Apt 101Virginia BeachVA234624277
Member, House of Delegates96DemocraticKelly K. Convirs-Fowlerkelly@delegatefowler.com757-575-4445delegatefowler.comPO Box 6769Virginia BeachVA234560769
Member, House of Delegates96IndependentNicholas S. Oleniknolenik@gmail.com757-287-1597olenik.us5461 Peggy CirVirginia BeachVA234647108
Member, House of Delegates96RepublicanMichael C. Karslakedelegate96th@mikekarslake.com757-447-0615https://www.mikekarslake.com109 G Gainsborough SquareChesapeakeVA23320
Member, House of Delegates97DemocraticMichael B. Feggansinfo@michaelfeggans.com757-450-8273michaelfeggans.com900 Commonwealth Pl # 2141Virginia BeachVA234644517
Member, House of Delegates97RepublicanKaren S. GreenhalghPO Box 62945Virginia BeachVA234662945
Member, House of Delegates98RepublicanBarry D. Knightbknight81@cox.net757-426-6387www.barryknight.com1852 Mill Landing RdVirginia BeachVA234571414
Member, House of Delegates99DemocraticCat A. Porterfieldporterfield4vb@gmail.com757-323-6430catporterfield.com219 57th St Unit BVirginia BeachVA234512226
Member, House of Delegates99RepublicanAnne Ferrell Tatainfo@teamtata.org757-213-5193teamtata.orgPO Box 1442Virginia BeachVA234510442
Member, House of Delegates100DemocraticCharlena Jonescharlenajones77@gmail.com757-607-7753PO Box 672EastvilleVA233470672
Member, House of Delegates100RepublicanRobert S. Bloxom Jr.bloxomauto@gmail.com757-284-3456robbloxom100.comPO Box 27MappsvilleVA234070027
Member, Senate of Virginia1DemocraticEmily G. Scottscottforstatesenate@gmail.com540-630-2442scottforstatesenate.org115 W Court St Ste BWoodstockVA226641408
Member, Senate of Virginia1RepublicanTimmy F. Frenchtffrench@shentel.net540-335-4640410 N Church StWoodstockVA226641811
Member, Senate of Virginia2DemocraticKathy A. Beerylvstodance22@gmail.com540-908-6809850 W Market St Ste 120HarrisonburgVA228012106
Member, Senate of Virginia2LibertarianJoshua J. Huffmanconservativeva@gmail.com211 Dixie AveHarrisonburgVA22801
Member, Senate of Virginia2RepublicanMark D. Obenshainmark@markobenshain.com540-437-1451www.markobenshain.comPO Box 555HarrisonburgVA22803
Member, Senate of Virginia3DemocraticJade D. Harrisharris4va@gmail.com540-817-4669jadeharrisva.comPO Box 423GlasgowVA245550423
Member, Senate of Virginia3RepublicanChristopher T. Headchris@chrisheadva.com540-283-2839chrisheadva.comPO Box 19130RoanokeVA240191013
Member, Senate of Virginia4DemocraticP. A. “Trish” White-Boydinfo@trishwhite-boyd.com540-725-7575trishwhite-boyd.com324 Washington Ave SW Ste 202RoanokeVA240164345
Member, Senate of Virginia4RepublicanDavid Robert SuetterleinDavid@Suetterlein.com540-302-8486https://suetterlein.comPO Box 20237RoanokeVA240180024
Member, Senate of Virginia5DemocraticRobert W. Beckmanbeckman4senate@gmail.com540-552-2873413 Dunton DriveBlacksburgVA24060
Member, Senate of Virginia5RepublicanT. Travis Hackworthcampaign@travishackworth.com276-345-9112https://www.travishackworth.com1515 2nd StRichlandsVA246412403
Member, Senate of Virginia6RepublicanTodd E. Pilliontodd@toddpillion.com276-220-1209www.toddpillion.com102 Court St NE Ste 201AbingdonVA242102972
Member, Senate of Virginia7DemocraticDeborah I. “Renie” Gatesfriendsofgates@gmail.comwww.friendsofreniegates.comPO Box 4WillisVA243800004
Member, Senate of Virginia7RepublicanWilliam M. “Bill” Stanley, Booker T Washington HwyMonetaVA241215819
Member, Senate of Virginia8DemocraticDonna M. St. Clairdonnastclair@gmail.com434-665-0582630 Lake Vista DrForestVA24551
Member, Senate of Virginia8RepublicanMark J. Peakempeake@caskiefrost.com434-455-3371peakeforsenate.com414 New Britain DrLynchburgVA245032143
Member, Senate of Virginia9RepublicanFrank M. Ruff Jr.sen.ruff@verizon.net434-374-5129senatorfrankruff.comPO Box 332ClarksvilleVA239270332
Member, Senate of Virginia10RepublicanJohn J. McGuire IIIjohn@mcguireforvirginia.com804-833-5608mcguireforvirginia.comPO Box 168Manakin SabotVA231030168
Member, Senate of Virginia11DemocraticR. Creigh Deedsrcdeeds@tds.net434-296-5491https://www.senatordeeds.comP.O. Box 5462CharlottesvilleVA22905
Member, Senate of Virginia11RepublicanPhilip A. Hamiltonphilip@hamiltonforvasenate.com434-365-4544112 Turtle Creek Rd Apt 10CharlottesvilleVA229016756
Member, Senate of Virginia12DemocraticNatan D. McKenzievote.natan.mckenzie@gmail.com5628 Beacon Hill DrMidlothianVA231126530
Member, Senate of Virginia12RepublicanGlen H. Sturtevant Jr.glen.sturtevant@gmail.com804-513-4248glensturtevant.comPO Box 2535MidlothianVA231138535
Member, Senate of Virginia13DemocraticLashrecse D. Airdaird@lashrecseaird.com804-452-7076lashrecseaird.comPO Box 3943PetersburgVA238053943
Member, Senate of Virginia13RepublicanEric F. Ditrieric@ericditri.com804-931-8010ericditri.comPO Box 1918Prince GeorgeVA238751976
Member, Senate of Virginia14DemocraticLamont Bagbylamont@lamontbagby.org804-400-8787lamontbagby.orgPO Box 15512RichmondVA232275512
Member, Senate of Virginia15DemocraticGhazala F. Hashmighazala@ghazalahashmi.com804-475-9429ghazalahashmi.comPO Box 72923North ChesterfieldVA232358022
Member, Senate of Virginia15RepublicanDouglass Hayden Fisherhaydenfisher@mac.com4209 Hidden Valley RoadChesterVA23831
Member, Senate of Virginia16DemocraticSchuyler T. VanValkenburgstvanvalkenburg@gmail.com804-441-2542vanvalkenburg4va.com8736 Springwater DrHenricoVA232281622
Member, Senate of Virginia16RepublicanSiobhan S. Dunnavantdunnavantdelivers@gmail.com804-270-5600dunnavantdelivers.comPO Box 70849HenricoVA232550849
Member, Senate of Virginia17DemocraticClinton L. Jenkinsclint@clintonforvirginia.com757-809-0214clintonforvirginia.comPO Box 4305SuffolkVA234394305
Member, Senate of Virginia17RepublicanEmily Marie Brewerinfo@brewerforva.comhttps://www.brewerforva.comP.O. Box 5SmithfieldVA23431
Member, Senate of Virginia18DemocraticL. Louise Lucassenlucas@aol.com757-397-8209PO Box 700PortsmouthVA237050700
Member, Senate of Virginia18RepublicanAnthony W. “Tony” Goodwinagoodwinforportsmouth@gmail.com757-320-3496www.agoodwinforportsmouth.com900 High StPortsmouthVA237043336
Member, Senate of Virginia19DemocraticMyra J. Paynemyrapayne61@gmail.com757-816-0718PO Box 6143Virginia BeachVA234560143
Member, Senate of Virginia19RepublicanChristie New Craigbarbara@christienewcraig.com757-581-2722621 Valor CtChesapeakeVA233229070
Member, Senate of Virginia20DemocraticVictoria A. Luevanostoriluevanos@gmail.com757-742-3018victorialuevanos.com201 Pritchard RdVirginia BeachVA234526763
Member, Senate of Virginia20RepublicanWilliam R. “Bill” DeStephcontactbill@billdesteph.com757-321-8180www.billdesteph.com588 Central DriveVirginia BeachVA23454
Member, Senate of Virginia21DemocraticAngelia Williams Gravesinfo@angeliawilliamsgraves.com757-524-4941angeliawilliamsgraves.comPO Box 41359NorfolkVA235411359
Member, Senate of Virginia21IndependentGiovanni G. “Gio” Dolmogiovannidolmo@yahoo.com1073 Dubose DrNorfolkVA235043611
Member, Senate of Virginia22DemocraticAaron R. Rouseinfo@rouseforsenate.comrouseforsenate.comPO Box 2864Virginia BeachVA234502864
Member, Senate of Virginia22RepublicanKevin H. Adamsinfo@kevinadamsforsenate.com757-416-8743kevinadamsforsenate.comPO Box 62072Virginia BeachVA234662072
Member, Senate of Virginia23DemocraticMamie E. LockeSENLOCKE02@gmail.com757-224-4415https://www.senatorlocke.comP.O. Box 9048HamptonVA23670
Member, Senate of Virginia24DemocraticT. Monty Masonmontymason93@gmail.com757-229-9310masonforvirginia.comPO Box 232WilliamsburgVA231870232
Member, Senate of Virginia24RepublicanJ. D. “Danny” Diggsdanny@diggsforsenate.com757-898-4800www.diggsforsenate.comPO Box 1YorktownVA236900001
Member, Senate of Virginia25DemocraticJolicia A. Wardjoliciaforva@gmail.com757-621-3574www.joliciaforva.orgPO Box 1088King GeorgeVA224851088
Member, Senate of Virginia25RepublicanRichard H. Stuartrichard@stuartforsenate.com804-493-8892www.stuartforsenate.comPO Box 1146MontrossVA225201146
Member, Senate of Virginia26DemocraticPamela R. Garnerfriendsofpamgarner2023@gmail.com804-832-91556892 Main St # 95GloucesterVA230615704
Member, Senate of Virginia26RepublicanRyan T. McDouglesenator@ryanmcdougle.com804-730-1026ryanmcdougle.comPO Box 187MechanicsvilleVA231110187
Member, Senate of Virginia27DemocraticJoel L. Griffinjoel@joelgriffinva.com540-845-8774joelgriffinva.comPO Box 687FredericksburgVA224040687
Member, Senate of Virginia27IndependentMonica L. Garymonicagarysr@gmail.com540-621-0613www.monicagary.com40 Dons WayStaffordVA225547236
Member, Senate of Virginia27RepublicanTara A. Durantteam@taradurant.com540-220-1841taradurant.comPO Box 5055FredericksburgVA224030655
Member, Senate of Virginia28DemocraticJason A. Fordjasonforvirginia@gmail.com540-229-31131842 Silver Star LnCulpeperVA227012401
Member, Senate of Virginia28IndependentElizabeth G. Melsonelizabeth@farmtotablesolutions.com540-316-1157PO Box 723Flint HillVA226270723
Member, Senate of Virginia28RepublicanBryce E. Reevessenatorreeves@gmail.com540-657-7030https://www.brycereeves.comPO Box 7021FredericksburgVA224047021
Member, Senate of Virginia29DemocraticJeremy S. McPikemcpikeforsenate@gmail.com571-437-2402www.mcpike4va.comPO Box 2819WoodbridgeVA221952819
Member, Senate of Virginia29RepublicanNikki N. Rattray Baldwinnikki@nikkibaldwin.com434-424-3447nikkibaldwin.com15126 Addison LnWoodbridgeVA221936215
Member, Senate of Virginia30DemocraticDanica A. Roemdanica.roem@gmail.com703-380-6616https://www.danicaforsenate.comPO Box 726ManassasVA201130726
Member, Senate of Virginia30RepublicanBill C. Woolf, IIIbill@woolf4va.com703-239-38067585 Rio Grande WayGainesvilleVA201551969
Member, Senate of Virginia31DemocraticRusset W. Perryrussetwperry@gmail.com703-401-8513PO Box 5501HerndonVA201721993
Member, Senate of Virginia31RepublicanJuan Pablo SeguraCraig@crosbyott.com202-549-2379https://jpsva.com525K E Market St # 162LeesburgVA201764113
Member, Senate of Virginia32DemocraticSuhas Subramanyamsuhas@suhasforvirginia.com571-707-4566suhasforvirginia.comPO Box 302AshburnVA201460302
Member, Senate of Virginia32RepublicanGregory J. Moulthropgreg@gregmoulthrop.com703-261-9074gregmoulthrop.com42020 Village Center Plz Ste 120Stone RidgeVA201053030
Member, Senate of Virginia33DemocraticJennifer D. Carroll Foyjennifer@jennifercarrollfoy.org804-586-3786jennifercarrollfoy.comPO Box 5002WoodbridgeVA221945002
Member, Senate of Virginia33RepublicanMike L. Van Metervanmeterforvirginia@gmail.com571-380-3434vanmeterforva.com7051 Brookfield Plaza, Unit 6382Van Meter for Virginia State SenateSpringfieldVA22150
Member, Senate of Virginia34DemocraticScott A. Surovellssurovell@gmail.com703-277-9750https://www.scottsurovell.comPO Box 289Mount VernonVA221210289
Member, Senate of Virginia34RepublicanMark A. SpringmanSpringmanFor34@gmail.com913-775-13947726 Gunston PlazaP.O. BOX 1604LortonVA22199
Member, Senate of Virginia35DemocraticDavid W. Marsdendavid.marsden37@gmail.com703-964-6821marsdenforsenate.nationbuilder.comPO Box 10889BurkeVA220090889
Member, Senate of Virginia35RepublicanMark B. Vafiadesmark@markforva.com703-278-2660markforva.comPO Box 1554AnnandaleVA220039550
Member, Senate of Virginia36DemocraticStella G. Pekarskystella@stellapekarsky.com703-830-3912stellapekarsky.comPO Box 231191CentrevilleVA201207191
Member, Senate of Virginia36RepublicanJulie Anna Perryinfo@julieforsenate.com703-672-7554https://julieforsenate.comP.O. BOX 26141AlexandriaVA22313
Member, Senate of Virginia37DemocraticSaddam Azlan Salimazlansalims@gmail.com571-275-7995salimforsenate.comPO Box 249MerrifieldVA221160249
Member, Senate of Virginia37RepublicanKenneth D. “Ken” Reidcampaign@kenreid.org703-779-8777kenreid.org7700 Tremayne Pl Apt 105McLeanVA221027710
Member, Senate of Virginia38DemocraticJennifer B. Boyskojennifer@jenniferboysko.com703-437-0086jenniferboysko.comPO Box 247HerndonVA201720247
Member, Senate of Virginia38RepublicanMatthew J. “Matt” Langmatt@langforva.com202-498-4021www.langforva.comPO Box 8691RestonVA201952591
Member, Senate of Virginia39DemocraticAdam P. Ebbininfo@adamebbin.com571-384-8957https://www.adamebbin.comPO Box 26415AlexandriaVA223136415
Member, Senate of Virginia39RepublicanSophia C. Moshashasophia@sophia4va.com703-634-9336https://www.sophia4va.com1606 W Abingdon Drive#202AlexandriaVA22314
Member, Senate of Virginia40DemocraticBarbara A. Favolabfavola1@gmail.com703-969-6749https://www.barbarafavola.org2319 18th St NArlingtonVA222013506
Member, Senate of Virginia40RepublicanDavid A. Henshawsuperdhen@gmail.com6207 36th St N

The Virginia Supreme Court has picked Sean P. Trende and Bernard N. Grofman to serve as “special masters” who will redraw voting districts throughout the state.

The decision comes after weeks of controversy concerning the failure of the new Virginia Redistricting Commission to select the two people to redraw the maps. Consequently, the decision was turned over to the Virginia Supreme Court, which rejected all three Republican nominees and one from the Democratic side.

After the parties came up with new candidates this week, the court made its choice on Friday.

Trende, nominated by Republicans, is a senior elections analyst for RealClearPolitics and is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

He is a lawyer and journalist with degrees from Yale and Duke Universities. The Washington Times has called him a “premier numbers cruncher.” A frequent guest on Fox News, CNN Radio and PBS’s “All Things Considered,” he is the author of the book “Lost Majority.” He practiced law for eight years at the  Kirkland & Ellis law firm in Chicago and the former Hunton & Williams firm in Richmond.

GOP gets 2 more days to name new redistricting nominees
Associated PressNovember 15, 2021

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Republicans in Virginia have two extra days to nominate new redistricting special masters to help the state’s Supreme Court redraw legislative and Congressional districts.

The court extended the deadline Monday for submitting new candidates’ names until 5 p.m. Wednesday, The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. However, Republicans’ request for a conference call with the court was denied.

Under a constitutional amendment approved by voters last year, redrawing districts fell to the court when the Virginia Redistricting Commission ended in partisan deadlock.

On Friday, the court rejected all three Republican special master nominees and one unidentified Democratic candidate. The parties were given until 5 p.m. Monday to submit new names.

Later Friday, Republican leaders requested the extension and the rejection of all three Democratic nominees. Monday’s order from the court didn’t reference that request to reject the Democratic nominees.

Virginia Supreme Court rejects map drawers
Virginia Mercury, Peter GaluszkaNovember 12, 2021

The Virginia State Supreme Court has rejected three “special master” candidates nominated by Republicans to help redraw Virginia’s legislative lines.

The nominees, the justices said in an order this morning, will serve as officers of the court in a “quasi-judicial capacity” and therefore “must be neutral and must not act as advocates or representatives of any political party.”

The court ordered the Republicans to come up with three new candidates by Monday. It also dropped a Democratic candidate, who was not named, because of his stated concerns about working with another map-drawer as the process requires, and told party members they also had until Monday to come up with another nominee.

The decision came after outcry from Democrats that the Republican nominees had obvious conflicts of interest. “It troubles me that the Republicans would even try this,” says Del. Marcus Simon, D-Fairfax, who had served on the redistricting commission but resigned this week.

The court’s decision is the latest turn as the state struggles with a new regime to draw new legislative boundaries for state and federal races next year.  A bipartisan 16-member commission was created by a Constitutional amendment to move the process away from the secretive traditional method employed by the majority party in the General Assembly.

Concerned about the election?

The Virginia Department of Elections has launched a new website, “Vote With Confidence” that offers residents information on when and where they can vote; key dates and deadlines for voting; how Virginia’s election process is conducted; and facts about the checks and balances used to combat any voting irregularities and ensure the accuracy of election outcomes.

The website is at

The site also includes a section called “Mythbusters,” offering facts versus fiction to address concerns voters may have on cybersecurity, voter fraud and other issues.

For example: “A record number of deceased voters cast ballots in 2020.”

That’s a myth, according to the website. The Virginia Department of Elections uses one of the “premier list maintenance programs in the country, including routine removal of deceased individuals” from voter rolls, according to the website. The site then offers a link to a report the public can access on voter roll maintenance efforts.

“While the voting process is something most Virginians pay attention to a few days every year, the system that ensures a trusted election outcome never stops,” said Christopher Piper, commission of the Virginia Department of Elections. “That is the job of more than 133 certified registrars and their staff who follow 470

pages of election law. They work year-round to ensure free, fair and transparent elections with the help of some 15,000 volunteers. They know how rigorous and meticulous our election process is.

“Now this website exists so the public can share that same confidence in casting their vote and in our election outcomes,” he stated.

Voters can use the new website or call the department at (800) 552-9745 with any questions about the Nov. 2 election or the process.

Setup, process mar Virginia’s redistricting commission
Roanoke Times, Luke WeirOctober 20, 2021

Bipartisan agreement created the Virginia Redistricting Commission, but political disagreement along party lines is causing its failure, leaving some wondering how to successfully chart unbiased electoral maps.
The commission is a first-time endeavor for the state, and proceedings have been about as bumpy as a maiden voyage can get.
The commission is tasked with determining on a map how to evenly divide voters into Virginia’s political regions, for both state and national government. The idea is to avoid a map that is gerrymandered, or drawn in such a way that districts are manipulated for political gain, but this is not an ideal redistricting setup, according to experts and commission members alike.

There’s been talk among the commission about switching Roanoke from the 6th Congressional District — which includes Lynchburg and extends north to the Shenandoah Valley — to the 9th District, comprising all of Southwest Virginia. But those discussions have taken a back seat as the conversation turns instead toward procedural disagreement.

The 16-member commission has been stalled by split 8-8 votes. Following another set of split votes at a meeting Wednesday morning, members of the commission, including Democrat Co-Chair Greta Harris, criticized how the group is organized, and its inability to find agreement.

“I would say we tried and it was a first for the commonwealth of Virginia, but this isn’t working,” Harris said, adding that the bureaucracy and a partisan structure won out.

Virginia’s bipartisan Redistricting Commission put work on House of Delegates and state Senate districts behind it Thursday and moved on to redrawing congressional district boundaries.

In taking up the state’s 11 U.S. House boundaries, the bipartisan commission punted on its duty to remap state legislative districts to the Virginia Supreme Court.

Without comment on partisan rifts that scuttled their work on the 40 state Senate districts and 100 House of Delegates seats, commissioners got their first glimpse of tentative competing congressional drafts from Democratic and Republican consultants advising the panel. And within minutes, partisan differences emerged anew alongside related concerns about geography, demography and topography.

Del. Marcus Simon, D-Fairfax, one of eight state legislators (four from each party) on the evenly split 16-member panel, questioned a proposal from GOP consultants that grafts a small sliver of an affluent Henrico County suburb bounding the James River west of Richmond onto the massive 5th Congressional District, which elected U.S. Rep. Bob Good, R-Campbell, last year.

“The thing that sort of stands out … is you take out a little bit of Henrico County (and) put it all the way in with Southside,” Simon said. “That is what starts to feel like a gerrymander to the extent that it’s cracking suburbs that were trending blue.

“I can’t imagine someone in Henrico feels like they have any congressional representation under that map; that they have anything in common with District 5” he said. “For all the folks on public comment who say we need to put our differences behind us, this is the kind of a move that makes me feel a little suspicious of where these lines really go.”

Another Democratic legislative member of the panel, Sen. George Barker of Fairfax, voiced a similar concern, noting that the 5th district pushes significantly into another increasingly Democratic Richmond suburb, Chesterfield County. Large parts of neighboring Henrico and Chesterfield are currently part of the 7th District, which is represented by Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger.

Richard Harrell III, a 5th District resident and Republican citizen member of the commission from South Boston, disputed the Democrats’ suggestion that partisan gamesmanship was driving the earliest drafts of the congressional maps. He said he believed the map was responsibly redrawn to center the 5th geographically in his region, an improvement over its elongated present configuration that stretches from the North Carolina border to “near the Maryland line” in Fauquier County, a drive of more than four hours.

“I think the characterization that there’s something underhanded about him taking the less northerly route – it’s better for us to leave the characterization alone,” Harrell said.

Later, Simon found it untenable that, by his count, both new maps create six Republican-majority districts and only five Democratic-voting ones in a state where the GOP has not won a statewide election since 2009.

“I want to be the bad guy and everyone online can yell at me,” he said, noting the partisan imbalance favoring the GOP, which now controls four of Virginia’s U.S. House seats. “It’s not competitive. You’ve got five very safe Democratic districts and six very safe Republican ones. …I don’t think either of these maps is a good place to start.”

3-judge panel appointed to decide Virginia election dispute
Associated Press, Matthew BarakatOctober 13, 2021

FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday appointed a three-judge panel to hear arguments on whether candidates who win election this year to Virginia’s House of Delegates should be forced to run again next year.

All 100 seats in the House are up for election in November; delegates typically run for a two-year term.

In a normal year, November’s elections would be the first conducted under constitutionally required redistricting under the 2020 census. But the census result s were badly delayed this year, and the state has been forced to run elections under the existing legislative boundaries because new ones still have not been drawn.

A lawsuit filed in Richmond by former Democratic Party Chairman Paul Goldman acknowledges that little can be done this year but conduct November’s balloting under the existing lines. His lawsuit, though, argues that new elections must be held in 2022 under newly drawn lines that properly align legislative districts with population shifts that have occurred in the state.

The Wason Center for Civic Leadership at Christopher Newport University released a new survey Friday that showed Democratic candidates for Virginia governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general still hold leads for the 2021 election.

The survey revealed that former current Democratic candidate and former Governor Terry McAuliffe leads Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin 49%-45% for the race for governor. McAuliffe led by five points in the last survey released by the Wason Center on August 26.

“The abortion issue has been tricky for Youngkin,” said Wason Center Research Director Dr. Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo. “Trying to navigate between moderate voters who oppose further restrictions while simultaneously appealing to the Republican base who would like a strong pro-life stance, Youngkin has said he would not have voted for the Texas law, but he’s been unclear about how far he would go to restrict abortions in Virginia.”

For lieutenant governor, Democratic Del. Hala Ayala leads former Republican Del. Winsome Sears, 48%-44%, with 8% undecided. The August 26 survey showed Ayala leading by 10 points, 52%-42%. Among Sears has gained 10 points (from 40% to 50%) among independent voters, while Ayala’s support has dropped from 49% to 41%.

Current Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring leads Republican candidate Del. Jason Miyares, 49%-43%, with 7% undecided. Herring led 53%-41% in the August 26 survey. Miyares increased his support 11 points over the last month among independents from 38% to 49%, while Herring has lost support among independents, from 49% to 41%.

RICHMOND, Va. — Early, in-person voting for the November election in Virginia begins on Friday. Registered voters can begin casting ballots at their local registrar’s office, according to the Virginia Department of Elections.

The race for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and House of Delegates districts will be in the hands of voters.

Topping the ticket for Virginia Democrats are former Governor Terry McAuliffe, Delegate Hala Ayala and current Attorney General Mark Herring. McAuliffe is seeking a second term four years after leaving office because Virginia law does not allow the governor to hold office for consecutive terms.

You can find your local registrar’s office here.

More information on voting early or registering to vote this November can be found here.

Revised voting rights bill rolled out in U.S. Senate, with Manchin on board
Virginia Mercury, Ariana FigueroaSeptember 15, 2021

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a revamped voting rights bill that would expand voter registration as well as create nonpartisan redistricting committees, but the measure is still likely to face an uphill battle in an evenly divided Senate.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he will bring the legislation to the floor of the Senate “as soon as next week,” but supporters will need the backing of 10 Republicans to advance beyond a GOP filibuster.

The 592-page bill, spearheaded by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the Minnesota Democrat who chairs the Senate Rules Committee, is the product of months-long negotiations with moderate Sen. Joe Manchin III, (D-W.Va.).

Manchin wavered on an earlier package of sweeping elections reforms and voting rights initiatives, the For the People Act, that passed the House in March but stalled in the Senate. This new version has been dubbed the Freedom to Vote Act.

“I applaud Sen. Manchin for his work here,” Schumer said. “He has always said that he wants to try and bring Republicans on, and now, with the support of Democrats and this compromise bill—which Sen. Manchin had great input into — he can go forward in that regard.”

Mapping alliances in the Democratic primary
Virginia Mercury, Ned Oliver June 1, 2021

Endorsements don’t necessarily mean a whole lot when it comes to determining who’s going to win an election. But they can illustrate alliances, partnerships and factions that develop over time. To that end, the chart below traces 70 endorsements by sitting state and federal elected officials in Virginia in next month’s Democratic primary for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general.

Manipulate the visualization by clicking and dragging candidates (big circles) or their supporters (small circles); select or deselect races by clicking the legend. For best results, view on a desktop or tablet.

For years, local officials have been complaining that Virginia’s all-encompassing election software — which powers everything from voter registration to absentee ballots to list maintenance to transmission of results — is slow and hard to use.

A 2018 report from state auditors verified those frustrations, concluding the Virginia Election and Registration Information System, or VERIS, was “not sufficiently functional or reliable.”

Election administrators are planning to fix that by by replacing the IT system, a project estimated to cost between $20 million and $29 million.

Though voters may not notice a major change, officials said, the workers assisting them will hopefully have a much smoother time calling up information in the new system and making changes to a voter’s status.

As lawmakers prepare to study the prospects for campaign finance reform in Virginia, the sheer size of some checks flowing to Democratic candidates for statewide office has renewed debate about the boosts offered by a wealthy Charlottesville couple topping charts as the biggest donors in state politics.

Though they backed opposing candidates in the 2017 Democratic primary for governor, donations connected to Michael Bills, a hedge fund manager and primary backer of the advocacy group Clean Virginia, and Sonjia Smith, a philanthropist and former lawyer married to Bills, are working in tandem this year in a big way.

Smith and Clean Virginia have given a combined $1.1 million, $600,000 from Clean Virginia and $500,000 from Smith, to former delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, whom they believe has the best shot at challenging former Gov. Terry McAuliffe in a five-person Democratic primary field. That’s almost a third of the roughly $3.6 million in cash contributions Carroll Foy reported raising as of March 31.

Despite the early efforts to paint the Republicans’ 2021 ticket as an overwhelming lurch to the right, the slate isn’t nearly as extreme as it might’ve been. Instead of Chase, a self-described “Trump in heels,” becoming the party’s standard-bearer in a state former President Donald Trump lost twice, she logged off and went to the beach.

After failing to win a statewide election since 2009, some Republicans say they feel surprisingly good about where the party stands coming out of a chaotic unassembled convention marked by procedural confusion, mysterious attack ads and infighting.

“I think some of the ebullience you see in Republicans right now is that this could’ve been very bad. And it turned into the exact opposite,” said Shaun Kenney, a former Republican Party of Virginia executive director who has criticized fringe elements in the party. “But it’s more than just a sigh of relief. It’s like we finally know where we’re headed.”

Virginia voters in a recent poll ranked themselves as moderate, with a slightly conservative lean, but indicated support of more progressive legislation.

The poll, released last week by Christopher Newport’s Wason Center for Civic Leadership, could be a thermometer for the upcoming November election.

Virginia voters ranked themselves an average of 5.83 on a zero to 10 scale (liberal to conservative). Republicans ranked themselves 8.11 on average, while Democrats rated themselves 3.57 on average. Independents ranked themselves 5.72.

“In this upcoming election, it is especially possible that it could be competitive,” said Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo, research director at the Wason Center.

Those surveyed support Democrat proposals on health care, immigration, environmental policy and the economy. The policy proposal with the strongest support was Medicare for all with 76 percent support among voters. A majority of Virginians support providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants (73 percent). Almost all Virginians support a pathway to citizenship for children brought to this country illegally by their parents (94 percent).

More than half of Virginians agree with implementing an environmentally friendly redesign of the state’s economy and infrastructure (65 percent); that the economic system favors the wealthy (61 percent); and that the federal minimum wage should be $15 per hour (53 percent).

To hear some candidates tell it, a decision last week by the State Board of Elections is heavy-handed and reeks of political chicanery. The board’s move prevents a few Democratic Party challengers from getting on the primary ballot in contests for the House of Delegates this year.

The three-member board, these candidates claim, won’t provide the usual extension it has allowed previously to people who file late or incomplete reports. Three Black candidates, all facing Democratic incumbents in the primary, are the people most affected. They say the board won’t give them a “do-over” customarily granted to politicos in the past.

Two of the Democratic incumbents benefiting from this ruling are White, and one is Black.

(Five other candidates with paperwork problems — Democrats and Republicans alike — are the only people seeking their party’s nominations in their district, allowing them to be nominated for the November ballot.)

Apparently fed up with paperwork coming in late, Virginia’s State Board of Elections has refused to extend a key campaign filing deadline this year, potentially affecting eight candidates running for the House of Delegates.

Three are Democrats looking to challenge incumbent lawmakers, meaning, if the decision stands, Dels. Luke Torian, D-Prince William, Betsy Carr, D-Richmond, and Patrick Hope, D-Arlington, may not face primary challengers after all. Because they represent strongly Democratic districts, their primary opponents being disqualified on technical grounds all but guarantees the incumbents will win re-election.

The decision to insist on meaningful deadlines comes after years of officials wrestling with how to handle paperwork errors, reflecting a growing feeling on the board that candidates must take responsibility for their own campaigns and follow through to ensure their documents get to the right place.

Audit overwhelmingly confirms Virginia’s election results
Virginia Mercury, Graham MoomawMarch 31, 2021

statewide audit of Virginia’s 2020 election results verified President Joe Biden’s victory in the state, finding only a 0.00000065117 percent chance the state’s voting system could have produced an inaccurate outcome.

“Election officials are over 99 percent confident in the reported outcome,” Karen Hoyt-Stewart, voting technology manager at the Virginia Department of Elections, told the State Board of Elections as she presented the audit report Wednesday.

The only way to reach 100 percent certainty would be for officials to manually review every ballot cast in the state. In other words, the audit found there’s almost zero chance a full recount would show a different outcome.

The risk-limiting audit, more of a mathematical exercise than an expansive investigation into how ballots were cast and counted, involved checking a random sample of paper ballots against the results reported by scanner machines.

It’s already too late for Virginia to redraw political districts in time for the 2021 House of Delegates races, but the U.S. Census Bureau’s decision to speed up its delivery of new population data means Virginia lawmakers could be voting on future maps right before the November elections.

Census officials had told states to expect to get the data by late September, but Virginia officials say they now expect to receive it by the second week of August.

Under the newly created Virginia Redistricting Commission’s constitutional timeline, receipt of the data starts a 45-day clock for the commission to submit new legislative maps to the General Assembly for an up-or-down vote. Once the legislature received the proposed maps, it has 15 days to vote on them.

When the federal Voting Rights Act passed in 1965, Virginia was one of nine states that drew special attention due to its history of racist election laws. That burden was lifted in 2013, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided enough time had passed that Virginia and other states could stop following an old rule requiring federal permission for changes that might affect minority voters.

With the future of federal voting protections now in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority, Democrats in the General Assembly have passed their own version of a voting rights act, making Virginia the first state in the South to do so.

The proposed law, now awaiting Gov. Ralph Northam’s signature, creates broad new protections against voter discrimination based on race, color or language. With Republicans in dozens of states looking to restrict voting access after former President Donald Trump’s loss, supporters of the Virginia legislation see it as a decisive move in the other direction.



General Rules: Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 11 days before an election. You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by 12pm 3 days after the election in order to be counted. You can sign up to track your absentee ballot on your Department of Elections website.  Absentee ballots may be processed but not tabulated before Election Day. 

Those who requested an absentee ballot but end up voting in person: Voters must surrender their absentee ballots before receiving a regular ballot in person. If the voter does not bring their Vote by Mail ballot to the polls, they can still vote a regular ballot during the Early Voting by signing a Gold Form, but they will vote a Provisional Ballot on Election Day. However, if the pollbook indicates that the voter was not only issued a Vote by Mail ballot but also that the ballot was returned, the voter can only vote a Provisional Ballot that will be reviewed by the local Electoral Board to ensure that the individual only votes once. Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. For specifics, you can find your local county registrar contact info here.

You may now request an absentee ballot online! Just fill out and submit this form before the deadline (5pm 11 days before the election).

All voters are eligible for absentee voting either in-person or by mail for 45 days before the election. You can request your absentee ballot at any time during the year.

Voted mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and be received by your local registrar by noon on the third day after the election in order to be counted.

You can check the status of your absentee ballot with the Absentee Ballot Status Look Up tool.

As a reminder, first time voters who registered through the mail may vote absentee, but you must mail a copy of one of the below forms of ID with your absentee ballot:

  • Valid photo ID
  • Current utility bill
  • Other government document that confirms name and address

Emergency Absentee Voting

You can apply for an emergency absentee ballot if you:

  • Are hospitalized or have an illness
  • You are dealing with a hospitalization, illness or death of a spouse, child or parent
  • Have another emergency found to justify an emergency absentee ballot

If you meet these requirements, you can have a designated representative request an absentee ballot through the day before the election. You must complete the application and deliver it to the local registrar’s office by 2pm the day before the election. Voted ballots must be returned before the polls close on Election Day.



Email: VA Board of Elections


VA Board of Elections
Washington Building, First Floor
1100 Bank Street, Richmond 23219
Phone: (800) 552-9745

Web Links


Voter Registration Video

Registering to Vote

General Information

Who can register

To register in Virginia you must:

  • be a citizen of the United States;
  • be a resident of Virginia and of the precinct in which you want to vote;
  • be 18 years old by the next general election;
  • not have been convicted of a felony, or have had your civil rights restored; and
  • not currently be declared incapacitated by a court.

How to register

  1. Use our Register to Vote form below to fill out the National Voter Registration Form.
  2. Sign and date your form. This is very important!
  3. Mail or hand-deliver your completed form to the address we provide.
  4. Make sure you register before the voter registration deadline.

Election Day registration

Voting Rights restoration

If you have been convicted of a felony and have questions about whether you can register to vote, visit Restore Your Vote to determine your eligibility.

Registration status

Registration form

Go to Virginia Department of Elections for instructions for registering by mail or online.


General Information

Voting as a Student

Learn more from Campus Vote Project about voting for students.

Overseas and Military Voting

You are a Military or Overseas voter if you are in uniformed services, living overseas OR a spouse or dependent of a uniformed services voter. To get registered and vote, you can utilize Overseas Vote Foundation.

If you have additional questions about elections and voting overseas you can use our state specific elections official directory or contact the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Voting with Disabilities

Any person, regardless disability status, has the right to register to vote at any office or agency that provides such a service. These offices include but are not limited to: Department of Health (VDH), Department of Social Services (DSS), Department of Mental Health (DMHRSAR), Department for Rehabilitation Services (DRS), Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VDDHH), and the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI).

Your local registrar’s office also has registration forms and should be able to accommodate any special needs. In addition, you can download a voter registration form from the state board of elections website.

  • Curbside voting is still available for people ages 65 and older, or any person with a disability. With the implementation of HAVA (Help America Vote Act), curbside voters may now be able to vote on an electronic voting device in lieu of a paper ballot. However, some cities continue to use paper ballots. To vote curbside you must ask your driver or other individual to inform the election officers that there is a person that wishes to vote curbside. The necessary equipment will then be brought to you in your vehicle. You shall be afforded every opportunity to vote in a private and independent fashion, but voting equipment must remain in the view of the election officers.
  • You have the right to have an election officer or other person help you vote if you are physically disabled, unable to read or unable to write. Blind voters may also have any person assist them.
  • You may have anyone who is not your employer or union representative assist you. The officer of election or other person so designated who helps you prepare your ballot shall do so in accordance with your instructions, without soliciting your vote or in any manner attempting to influence your vote, and shall not in any manner divulge or indicate, by signs or otherwise, how you voted on any office or question. For individuals with vision impairments the state board of elections works to provide large print copies of all voting related material. Your local registrar’s office should have large print versions of all materials in circulation at this time.
  • In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, Virginia is in the process of making all of its polling places fully accessible to elderly voters and voters with disabilities. If you find that your polling place is not accessible for any reason please fill out the voter accessibility feedback form. The state board of elections is dedicated to providing the best voting experience possible, and will value your input and will keep any remarks confidential.
  • In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, every polling location in Virginia must be equipped with at least one accessible voting system that will allow all voters with a disability to vote in the same private and independent manner as a voter without a disability. If you require voting assistance due to a physical disability or inability to read or write, you can receive it upon request. Any of the election officers can advise you of your rights in this area. If you have cognitive disabilities, due to any reason, you can be eligible to vote if you are not currently ruled to be mentally incompetent by a court of law.

For more information, you can utilize the American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD) resource.

Early Voting

For more information on times and locations please contact your local registrar.

To qualify for absentee in-person voting you must be:

  • Any person who, in the regular and orderly course of his business, profession, or occupation or while on personal business or vacation, will be absent from the county or city in which he is entitled to vote;
  • Any person who is (i) a member of a uniformed service of the United States, as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 1973ff-6(7), on active duty, or (ii) a member of the merchant marine of the United States, or (iii) who temporarily resides outside of the United States, or (iv) the spouse or dependent residing with any person listed in (i), (ii), or (iii), and who will be absent on the day of the election from the county or city in which he is entitled to vote. See Absentee Voting Procedures for Overseas Personnel (Military & Non-Military)
  • Any student attending a school or institution of learning, or his spouse, who will be absent on the day of election from the county or city in which he is entitled to vote;
  • Any person who is unable to go in person to the polls on the day of election because of a disability, illness or pregnancy ;
  • Any person who is confined while awaiting trial or for having been convicted of a misdemeanor, provided that the trial or release date is scheduled on or after the third day preceding the election. Any person who is awaiting trial and is a resident of the county or city where he is confined shall, on his request, be taken to the polls to vote on election day if his trial date is postponed and he did not have an opportunity to vote absentee;
  • Any person who is a member of an electoral board, registrar, officer of election, or custodian of voting equipment;
  • Any person serving as a designated representative of a political party, independent candidate or candidate in a political party;
  • Any duly registered person who is unable to go in person to the polls on the day of the election because he is primarily and personally responsible for the care of an ill or disabled family member who is confined at home.
  • Any duly registered person who is unable to go in person to the polls on the day of the election because of an obligation occasioned by his religion.
  • Any person who, in the regular and orderly course of his business, profession, or occupation, will be at his place of work and commuting to and from his home to his place of work for eleven or more hours of the thirteen that the polls are open (6:00 AM to 7:00 PM).
  • Certain first responders who meet code definitions for law-enforcement officers, firefighters, search and rescue personnel and emergency medical services personnel.
  • Any registered and qualified voter may request a mail ballot for presidential and vice-presidential electors only by writing across the top of their absentee application “request ballot for presidential electors only.” A voter who votes a “presidential only” ballot may not later decide to vote the rest of the ballot. The same procedures and deadlines apply as for other absentee applications and ballots. Please note: When completing your absentee ballot application, reason 7A should only be used by voters who have moved to another state (away from Virginia) less than 30 days before the presidential election. This reason code should not be selected by voters that do not intend to move to another state less than 30 days prior to the election.

The electoral board will usually make ballots available for absentee voting 45 days prior to Election Day and ending 3 days before Election Day.

Vote by Mail (Absentee)

Absentee ballot process

Absentee voting is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 11 days before the election (October 23rd, 2020). You can return your absentee ballot request form through mail, in person at your local elections office, or online. Voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by 12pm 3 days after the election in order to be counted.

ALERT: Due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), voters mailing absentee ballots for the November General Election do NOT need a witness. Please contact the Board of Elections for more information.

You may now request an absentee ballot online! Just fill out and submit this form before the deadline (5pm 11 days before the election).

All voters are eligible for absentee voting either in-person or by mail for 45 days before the election. You can request your absentee ballot at any time during the year.

Voted mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and be received by your local registrar by noon on the third day after the election in order to be counted.

You can check the status of your absentee ballot with the Absentee Ballot Status Look Up tool.

As a reminder, first time voters who registered through the mail may vote absentee, but you must mail a copy of one of the below forms of ID with your absentee ballot:

  • Valid photo ID
  • Current utility bill
  • Other government document that confirms name and address

Emergency Absentee Voting

You can apply for an emergency absentee ballot if you:

  • Are hospitalized or have an illness
  • You are dealing with a hospitalization, illness or death of a spouse, child or parent
  • Have another emergency found to justify an emergency absentee ballot

If you meet these requirements, you can have a designated representative request an absentee ballot through the day before the election. You must complete the application and deliver it to the local registrar’s office by 2pm the day before the election. Voted ballots must be returned before the polls close on Election Day.

How to get Absentee ballot

  1. Use our Absentee Ballot Form below to prepare your application.
  2. Sign and date the form. This is very important!
  3. Return your completed application to your Local Election Office as soon as possible. We’ll provide the mailing address for you.
  4. All Local Election Offices will accept mailed or hand-delivered forms. If it’s close to the deadline, call and see if your Local Election Office will let you fax or email the application.
  5. Make sure your application is received by the deadline. Your application must actually arrive by this time — simply being postmarked by the deadline is insufficient.
  6. Please contact your Local Election Office if you have any further questions about the exact process.

What to do next

  1. Once you receive the ballot, carefully read and follow the instructions.
  2. Sign and date where indicated.
  3. Mail your voted ballot back to the address indicated on the return envelope.
  4. Your voted ballot must arrive by the deadline or it will not be counted.

Absentee ballot application deadline

  • In Person: 3 days before Election Day.
  • By Mail: 7 days before Election Day.
  • Online: 7 days before Election Day.

Absentee ballot submission deadline

Election Day


Absentee Ballot (form)

Elections Alert (Form)

Pollling Information

Polling Place Locator

You can find your polling place by utilizing your state resource.

If you have further questions on your polling place location, please contact your local election office.

Polling Place Hours

Polls are open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Poll Worker Information

Visit to find localized information for becoming a poll worker in your area.

In order to be a poll worker in Virginia:

  • You must be registered to vote in Virginia
  • You will be entitled to compensation
  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Political affiliation generally required
  • You must complete required training.
  • Must be a US citizen
  • You cannot hold an elected office or be the employee of an elected official
  • You must be able to speak, read and write English

To sign up, contact your local board of elections.

State Board of Elections

The State Board of Elections is authorized to supervise, coordinate, and adopt regulations governing the work of local electoral boards, registrars, and officers of election; to provide electronic application for voter registration and delivery of absentee ballots to eligible military and overseas voters; to establish and maintain a statewide automated voter registration system to include procedures for ascertaining current addresses of registrants; to prescribe standard forms for registration, transfer and identification of voters; and to require cancellation of records for registrants no longer qualified. Code of VirginiaTitle 24.2, Chapters 14 and 4.1. The Department of Elections conducts the board’s administrative and programmatic operations and discharges the board’s duties consistent with delegated authority.


Christopher E. “Chris” Piper has been appointed as the Commissioner.

Commissioner, Virginia Department of Elections
Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Department of Elections



Source: Wikipedia

The Virginia State Board of Elections has been a party in a number of lawsuits.

Sarvis v. Judd

In July 2014, The Rutherford Institute supported the Libertarian Party of Virginia and alleged Virginia ballot laws favored “the election chances of Democrat and Republican candidates at the expense of Libertarian Party and independent candidates.”

In Robert C. Sarvis, et al. v. Charles E. Judd, et al, the lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Libertarian Party of Virginia, several Libertarian Party candidates and an independent (non-party) candidate for public office in the November 2014 general election. The lawsuit challenged the Virginia State Board of Elections and the laws which require minor-party candidates to gather signatures on petitions to achieve ballot access as well as the laws which require minor-party and independent candidates’ names to be placed below those of major-party candidates on the ballot.

Libertarian Party of Virginia v. Judd

In 2013, the ACLU supported the Libertarian Party of Virginia, and contended that the Libertarians would suffer “irreparable harm” given Virginia’s ballot access laws.

In Libertarian Party of Virginia v. Judd, the Libertarian Party won the case regarding state residency requirements for petition circulators per the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on May 29, 2013. It was the first time a minor party had won a constitutional election law case in the Fourth Circuit since 1989 and 1988. In response to the Fourth Circuit’s ruling, the State of Virginia via former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli as well as several other states, like Oklahoma, submitted petitions to the Supreme Court of the United States asking to reverse the Fourth Circuit’s decision. On December 2, 2013, the petitions against the Fourth Circuit’s ruling were denied by the Supreme Court, and so the Libertarian Party of Virginia won the case regarding state residency requirements for petition circulators.

Perry v. Judd

In January 2012, Texas Governor Rick Perry, former senator Rick Santorum, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. failed to qualify for the ballot and sued the State Board of Elections. U.S. District Judge John A. Gibney Jr. denied the request to add their names to Virginia’s Republican primary ballot.

Project Vote v. Long

In February 2010, after receiving reports from local community partners regarding large numbers of rejected voter registration applications, Project Vote and its voting partner, Advancement Project, sought to review Norfolk’s rejected registration applications to ascertain if qualified persons were unlawfully kept off the voting rolls. Elisa Long, the general registrar of Norfolk, and Nancy Rodrigues, secretary of the State Board of Elections denied Project Vote and Advancement Project the right to review the records, and both groups filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Norfolk, Virginia.

In July 2011, the Court granted Project Vote’s Motion for Summary Judgment and ordered the Norfolk County Registrar “to permit access to any requesting party for copy and/or inspection of voter registration applications and related records,” in compliance with public disclosure requirements under the National Voter Registration Act.

Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections

In Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections (1966) the U.S. Supreme Court found that Virginia’s poll tax was unconstitutional under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The 24th Amendment (1964) prohibited poll taxes in federal elections. However, five states continued to impose a poll tax for voters in state elections. By this ruling, the Supreme Court banned the use of a poll tax in state elections.

Ballot access

Source: Wikipedia

Virginia has one of the most restrictive set of ballot access laws in the United States. According to the Code of Virginia subsection 24.2-101, without “major party” status for automatic ballot access in Virginia, minor party and independent candidates have to gather petition signatures to get on the ballot. For example, the requirement for statewide elections is 10,000 signatures, including at least 400 from each of Virginia’s 11 congressional districts. In order for a minor party to gain automatic ballot access as a major party, one of its nominated candidates must receive 10% of the vote in a statewide race. To obtain the signatures necessary to receive statewide ballot access in Virginia, it has been quoted to cost between $45,000 to $90,000 or up to $100,000.

How to run for office

Source: Board of Elections

These qualifications and requirements may vary slightly depending on whether the office sought is a local office, a general assembly seat, a statewide office, or a federal office. Generally, all candidates must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Be qualified to vote for and hold the office sought, and
  • Be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia for one year immediately preceding the election.

The board has developed and published candidate informational bulletins specific to each office type. In addition to the qualifications, forms and filing requirements, candidate information bulletins provide candidates with information he/she will need to run for office.