
Current Position: US Representative of US House District 2 since 2019
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2023 US Representative

Other Positions:
Vice Chair, Committee on Armed Services
Chair, Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs – Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

Featured Quote:
“Today, too many Americans are working hard and getting less. That’s because politicians in Washington aren’t looking out for them. That’s why I am running for Congress.

The core values of Security, Equality, and Prosperity will serve as my compass in representing the 2nd District.”

Featured Video: 
Rep. Elaine Luria questions witnesses in House investigation of Jan. 6
July 27, 2021

OnAir Post: Elaine Luria – VA 02


The Commandant of the Coast Guard, Admiral Karl L. Schultz, welcomed the proposed legislation, saying, “The Coast Guard Yard has provided our Service and our Nation with over 120 years of organic shipbuilding and complex depot-level ship repair. Strategic investments today at the Coast Guard Yard will help ensure that tomorrow’s Coast Guard fleet is properly supported to meet our national priorities, as well as provide additional opportunities for U.S. Navy ship repair work.”

The shipyard-oriented amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, sponsored by Virginia Democrat Elaine Luria (VA-2), Vice Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, is unusually savvy in aligning Democrats in the House and the wider Democratic base with an emergent national security challenge.



Elaine Luria

Source: Campaign page

Elaine Luria served her country in uniform for 20 years with the philosophy: Be Good.  Do Good Work.  Elaine sees this simple, but powerful message lacking in Washington today.

When her peers were heading off to college, Elaine was compelled to be part of something bigger than herself and joined the Navy at 17—so she could give back and help build a safer, stronger, and fairer society for this generation and the next.

On her first day in uniform, she was inspired by the Naval Academy’s Mission, to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship, and government.  Elaine served for 20 years as a Surface Warfare Officer and nuclear engineer deploying six times—twice forward-deployed on ships stationed in Japan—conducting operations in the Middle East and Western Pacific on destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers.

Whether it was enforcing sanctions by boarding Iraqi oil smugglers in the Arabian Gulf, launching jets off the deck of the aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean to simultaneously strike terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, operating complex nuclear reactors, as second in command of a guided missile cruiser, or in command of a combat-ready unit of 400 sailors, providing assault craft to support the U.S. Marine Corps: Elaine never let politics get in the way of doing what was right and getting the job done.

While Elaine’s service to our country was coming to an end – she officially retired from the Navy on June 1, 2017 – she was inspired to help the community that she and her family call home.

That’s why she started a family business, Mermaid Factory, that began as a block of clay on her kitchen table. Since then, Mermaid Factory has created ten jobs in the community, has donated over fifty thousand dollars of our proceeds to charity, and infused more than a quarter of a million tax dollars into our economy. Over 50,000 people have experienced Mermaid Factory– by spending time with family or friends, expressing their creativity, and taking home a souvenir of Hampton Roads’ iconic mermaid and dolphin symbols. Mermaid Factory continues to manufacture our products locally and give back to organizations in the community that support youth and the arts.

In Congress, Elaine will use her experience in the Navy and as a small-business owner to protect our country and create an economy that works for everyone – not just those at the top.  Her 20-year Navy career makes her the clear choice to represent this military-rich district with the world’s largest navy base and among the highest concentration of veterans, including the largest number of female veterans nationwide.  Through her experience as an entrepreneur, she can relate to the challenges and potential of small businesses and their impact on the community. And, as a mother, she will fight to ensure a brighter future for every child.

Elaine Luria - VA 02 1

From Luria’s campaign website

To help the families, seniors, and businesses of Hampton Roads, we need leaders with real-world experience. We need leaders who know what it means to serve, have overcome obstacles, faced adversity and became stronger because of it.


Work Experience

  • Surface Warfare Officer and nuclear engineer
  • Family business
    Mermaid Factory




Washington, DC Office
534 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4215

Eastern Shore Office
25020 Shore Parkway
Suite 1B
Onley, VA 23418
Phone: (757) 364-7631

Virginia Beach Office
283 Constitution Drive
One Columbus Center, Suite 900
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Phone: 757) 364-7650
Fax: 757) 687-8298


Government Page, Campaign Site, Facebook, Twitter, Government Page, Wikipedia


Source: none


  • Committee on Armed Services (vice chair)
    • Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
    • Subcommittee on Readiness
  • Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
    • Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs (chair)
    • Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
  • Committee on Homeland Security
    • Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security
  • Select Committee on the January 6 Attack

Recent Elections


Elaine Luria (D)139,57151.05%
Scott W. Taylor (R)133,45848.81%
Write In (Write-in)371

Source: Campaign


LURIA, ELAINE G has run in 2 races for public office, winning 2 of them. The candidate has raised a total of $11,098,982.

Source: Follow the Money



House Armed Services Committee
   Vice Chair of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee
House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
   Chair of the Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee

House Committee on Homeland Security



Bipartisan Task Force Combatting Anti-Semitism

Chesapeake Bay Task Force

Congressional Bipartisan Historically Black Colleges and Universities Caucus

Congressional Military Veteran Caucus

Congressional PFAS Task Force

Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus

Congressional Small Business Caucus

Congressional Solar Caucus

For Country Caucus

Gun Safety Task Force

House Oceans Caucus

LGBT Equality Caucus

National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus

New Democrat Coalition

New Democrat Coalition Climate Change Task Force (Co-Chair)

Problem Solvers Caucus

Servicewomen & Women Veterans Congressional Caucus 

U.S.-Philippines Friendship Caucus

Women Veterans Task Force

Voting Record

See: Vote Smart


Source: Campaign page

In Congress, Elaine uses her experience in the Navy and as a small-business owner to protect our country and create an economy that works for everyone. To help the families, seniors, and businesses of Coastal Virginia, we need leaders with real-world experience. We need leaders who know what it means to serve, have overcome obstacles, and become stronger because of it.

Economy & Jobs

As your Congresswoman, I’ve fought to help businesses, both big and small, across Coastal Virginia create the well-paying jobs with good benefits to ensure our economy thrives and opportunities are available to everyone who works hard.

Since taking office, I have toured more than 50 local businesses in our district to hear directly from constituents about how Congress can cut through red tape, grow our regional economy, create jobs, and protect the middle class.

I voted to increase the federal minimum wage which could give over 100,000 workers in our district the pay-raise they deserve, and I cosponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act because it is time women receive equal pay for equal work.

As a small business owner, I know the struggles our business community faces and understand the challenges a company can face navigating the red tape in Washington. That’s why I have worked within the community to advocate for small businesses. When I meet with business leaders, I frequently hear that they have well-paying jobs that they cannot fill because they cannot find enough people with the relevant skillset. That is why I am working to support apprenticeship programs, career and technical education, and access to broadband so workers can attain the skills they need to advance their careers.

And as a veteran, I was appalled by the mistake in the 2017 Tax Bill that was causing some Gold Star families to pay thousands of dollars in additional taxes on their survivor benefits. So, I introduced legislation with bipartisan support to ensure those families received every cent they deserve.

Environment & Energy

Clean air and water isn’t just vital to our way of life in Coastal Virginia, it’s a right.

I am fighting to ensure all Americans breathe clean air and water and have access to pristine natural environments. Coastal Virginia, home to Chesapeake Bay, generates $33 billion for our economy and is one of our nation’s natural treasures.

I’ve fought to ensure the cleanup efforts in The Bay continue to be fully funded to protect our economy and way of life. That’s why I introduced bipartisan legislation to secure $85 billion to advance our shared goals of a clean and healthy Bay.

I am also helping lead the critical fight against drilling off the coast of Virginia. Offshore drilling threatens our national security and safety of our sailors and our tourism economy by spoiling our beautiful beaches and shorelines. I was proud to cosponsor bipartisan legislation to protect our precious coastline.

Reducing America’s reliance on foreign oil, while simultaneously combatting climate change is essential to our national security and protecting our coastal region. This is a threat Congress must address today, particularly in coastal communities that are impacted by seal level rise and recurrent flooding.

I’ve led the charge to make Coastal Virginia a national and global leader in our clean energy future. For our district this is not a problem of tomorrow, it’s a threat today. I have laid out a bold vision for cutting greenhouse gas emissions while investing in the jobs and infrastructure of the future.

As a nuclear engineer in the Navy, I saw firsthand that nuclear power, when deployed safely and responsibly, can play a key role in our green energy future. That’s why I introduced legislation to encourage innovation in nuclear technologies.

I am also helping lead the critical fight against drilling off the coast of Virginia. Offshore drilling threatens our national security and safety of our sailors and our tourism economy by spoiling our beautiful beaches and shorelines. I was proud to cosponsor bipartisan legislation to protect our precious coastline.

Investing in our nation’s infrastructure is vital to boosting not only our district’s economy, but the global economy.

Our district, which is home to one of the largest ports on the East Coast, depends on improving our maritime infrastructure. That’s why I secured $15 million for operations and maintenance at Norfolk Harbor and led a bipartisan effort urging Congress to fund infrastructure projects in military communities. I am proud to have helped deliver needed funds for resiliency projects for communities battling sea level rise and recurrent flooding

But our needs go beyond maritime infrastructure, roads, and bridges. Investments in broadband infrastructure are necessary to ensure that our rural communities stay connected in the ever-expanding global economy. Critical to those investments is protecting net-neutrality. I’m proud to have sponsored legislation to restore net neutrality so the farmers, entrepreneurs, and innovators of Coastal Virginia can stay competitive.

Health & Education

Health Care
Everyone deserves access to quality and affordable health care.

We still have work to do to ensure every American has access to the quality and affordable health care they deserve. That’s why during my time in Congress I’ve fought against efforts to take health care away from Americans and their families. I have, and will continue to, stand up to the pharmaceutical lobby and work to lower prescription drug prices by making less expensive, generic drugs more quickly available to consumers, and require that health insurance providers cover patients with pre-existing conditions.

I will continue to work to improve health care access and affordability and strengthen the ACA to ensure all Americans have access to affordable health coverage.

Every Senior that paid into Social Security and Medicare deserves the benefits they’ve earned.

One of my top priorities is working to strengthen Medicare and Social Security. Hardworking seniors who paid into Social Security and Medicare deserve retirement security and health care coverage.

I’ve sponsored legislation to allow the government to negotiate with drug companies to keep our costs in check while providing seniors with the life-saving medicines they need.

While Washington continues to vote to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions, I’ve led the fight to protect Virginia’s historic Medicaid expansion. Our focus should be lowering health care costs and the price of prescription drugs – not taking health care away.

Every child deserves access to a world-class education.

Education begins well before K-12 schooling, that’s why as a mother and Congresswoman, I’m proud to support universal pre-K to build a strong foundation for young students to thrive. But this is not only an education issue it is an economic imperative for working and military families.

In Congress, I was proud to support the Rebuild America’s Schools Act that provides direct federal spending for school modernizations, renovations, and repairs, with priority given to public schools in underserved communities. I also advocated for the unique education needs of our military community. I helped secure $50 million to support districts with significant military child enrollment and for military children with severe disabilities.

As your Congresswoman, I’ll continue promoting expansion of career and technical education because while college might not be for everyone, a path to the middle class must be. That’s why I also support adequate student loan forgiveness so students who want to go to college can. No student should be deterred from seeking higher education because of the cost.

Human Rights

Racial Equity
The long American story of racism, discrimination, and Jim Crow laws is shameful. Though some important reforms have been made, there is still much more work to be done to address institutional racism that still exists.

Public Safety

National Security
It is critical to ensure the brave women and men who serve have the resources, support, and equipment they need. That’s why I fought to ensure that our troops received a 3.1% pay raise. As a 20-year Navy veteran, member of the House Armed Services Committee, and Vice Chair of the Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee, I know the challenges facing our men and women in uniform as they fight for freedom around the globe.

As a 20-year Navy veteran and member of the House Armed Services Committee, I know the challenges facing our men and women in uniform as they fight for freedom around the globe. I am committed to supporting policies that will improve life for active duty military, support military families, and ensure the Department of Defense spends your tax dollars as efficiently and effectively as possible.

But a strong, well-funded military is only part of maintaining national security. I support diplomacy to resolve conflicts whenever possible. It is also important to support our allies, such as Israel, to protect U.S. interests around the world.

I am also fighting for Gold Star Families – those who have made the greatest sacrifice imaginable by losing an immediate relative in combat or to a service connected disability.

There is no greater priority than fighting for those who fought for us.
As a 20-year Navy veteran, I know firsthand the unique challenges and opportunities that our veterans face as they transition out of service.

As a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I wrote and passed legislation that provided a critical pay raise for disabled veterans, pressed the VA to find ways to make jobs programs easier to use, cosponsored legislation to increase veteran access to employment programs, and cosponsored a bipartisan bill to allow veterans access to in-state tuition in any state they choose.

And as a veteran, I was appalled by the mistake in the 2017 Tax Bill that was causing some Gold Star families to pay thousands of dollars in additional taxes on their survivor benefits. So, I worked with Republicans and Democrats to ensure those families received every cent they deserve.

Gun Violence

We need commonsense measures to keep our communities safe from gun violence and protect law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

As a former Navy Commander and now as a Member of Congress, I took an oath to protect this nation and its people, while simultaneously swearing to protect our Constitution. I believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to own guns and exercise their second amendment rights, but commonsense measures are necessary to keep our communities safe from preventable gun violence.

I joined bipartisan commonsense reform efforts like requiring universal background checks and encouraging red flag laws, which can prevent an individual from purchasing or retaining their firearm for a certain period if they are determined to be a danger to themselves or others.

But this issue took on even greater urgency after the mass shooting in Virginia Beach. Along with all members of the Virginia Beach community, I will forever remember and honor the individuals who were tragically taken from their families and loved ones.

See Also

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Elaine Luria politician

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Vote Smart



Elaine Goodman Luria (/ˈlʊriə/; LUUR-ee-ə; born August 15, 1975) is an American politician and US Navy veteran who served as the U.S. representative from Virginia’s 2nd congressional district from 2019 to 2023. Luria’s congressional district included most of Hampton Roads, including all of Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, and Poquoson and parts of Norfolk and Hampton. Before running for Congress, she served as a naval officer for 20 years. Luria rose to the rank of commander and spent most of her career aboard ship. She defeated Republican incumbent Scott Taylor in 2018 and defeated him again in 2020, before losing her bid for a third term to Republican Jen Kiggans in 2022.

Early life, education, and military service

Luria was born on August 15, 1975, in Birmingham, Alabama.[1][2] Her mother Michelle’s family immigrated to Jasper, Alabama, in 1906.[3] The family sold goods to coal miners in Walker County, Alabama.[3] In the early-1900s, Luria’s great-grandfather helped establish a Reform Jewish congregation in Jasper, and her immediate family joined the Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham.[3] Luria’s mother and grandmother were active in the National Council of Jewish Women (of which her mother was president), Hadassah, the Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood, and the Birmingham Jewish Federation.[3]

Luria graduated from Indian Springs School in 1993.[4][5] She graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science (BS), with a double major in physics and history and a minor in French.[6] In 2000, Luria attended the United States Naval Nuclear Power School.[7] While serving in the Navy and stationed aboard the flagship USS Blue Ridge, she earned a Master of Science (MS) degree in engineering management from Old Dominion University in 2004.[8]

Luria served as a naval officer for 20 years, operating nuclear reactors as an engineer, where she rose to the rank of commander.[9] Luria was among the first female American sailors to spend her entire career on combat ships.[10] She commanded Assault Craft Unit TWO, a combat-ready unit of 400 sailors, from 2014 until her retirement in 2017.[11] She held a Passover seder on an aircraft carrier after 9/11.[12]

As of 2019, Luria’s service was the longest active-duty tenure of any current member of the House Democratic Caucus.[13]

U.S. House of Representatives



Luria ran for the United States House of Representatives in Virginia’s 2nd congressional district.[14] In the June 10 Democratic primary, she garnered 62% of the vote, defeating Karen Mallard, who received 38%.[15]

In the general election, Luria defeated Republican incumbent Scott Taylor with 51% of the vote to Taylor’s 49%.[16] She carried six of the district’s nine county-level jurisdictions, including all but one of the district’s five independent cities. She also carried Taylor’s hometown of Virginia Beach.[17]


Luria ran for reelection.[18] She defeated Taylor in a rematch with 51% of the vote. As in 2018, Luria carried six of the district’s nine county-level jurisdictions, including all but one independent city. She was likely helped by Joe Biden carrying the district;[19] notably, Biden carried Virginia Beach, the first Democrat to do so since 1964.[20]


Luria ran for reelection in 2022. Facing a difficult path to victory as a Democrat in a competitive district, she focused her campaign on defense policy and refrained from highlighting Biden’s $1.5 trillion Build Back Better spending plan, for which she voted.[21] Luria lost the election to Jen Kiggans.[22]


Luria was sworn in on January 3, 2019.[23] She was one of 102 female members elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2018, a record number.[23] She joined two other female veterans in that class, fellow Naval Academy graduate Mikie Sherrill and former Air Force officer Chrissy Houlahan.

Virginia’s 2nd congressional district is centered on Hampton Roads.[24] It includes all of Poquoson, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg cities and York County in Hampton Roads; parts of Norfolk and Hampton cities and James City County in Hampton Roads; and all of Accomack and Northampton counties on the Eastern Shore.[25]

On Veterans Day 2019, Luria released a video announcing her support for an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, which The Washington Post called “an unusual move for a moderate on the cusp of a tough reelection.”[6]

During Trump’s presidency, Luria voted in line with his stated position 11% of the time.[26] As of June 2022 she had voted in line with Joe Biden‘s stated position 98.2% of the time.[27]

Investigation into the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack

Luria was one of the original members appointed to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol in 2021.[28] She and Representative Adam Kinzinger co-led the eighth public hearing in July 2022. This hearing focused on Trump’s inaction during the 187 minutes from the end of his speech to his Rose Garden speech, where he told the rioters, “We love you, you’re very special”. Luria introduced the full video of both speeches.[29] She also showed outtakes from Trump’s January 7, 2021, statement titled “Remarks on National Healing”.[30] Luria said of these remarks that this “was not the message of condemnation and just punishment for those who broke the law that we expect from a president whose oath and duty is to ensure the laws are faithfully executed. But instead, It was his newest version of ‘Stand Back and Stand By’.” In her closing statement, she said, “This is not, as it may appear, a story of inaction in a time of crisis, but instead it was the final action of Donald Trump’s own plan to usurp the will of the American people and remain in power. Not until it was clear that his effort to violently disrupt or delay the counting of the election results had failed did he send his message—a message to his supporters in which he commiserated with their pain and he told them affectionately to go home.”[31]

On July 25, 2022, Luria posted on her Twitter account the original script of Trump’s January 7 remarks and edits he made to it in which he had crossed out any references to DOJ action and condemnation was heavily toned down.[32]

Political positions


Luria was the lone Democrat to vote against repealing the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 in 2021.[33]

Domestic policy

While the federal government was in a partial shutdown, Luria said that she had asked for her salary to be withheld until federal workers were paid in January 2019.[23] She participated in a bipartisan group of representatives seeking to broker a compromise to end the shutdown.[34][35]

In February 2019, Luria introduced the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2019, which increased the cost of living adjustments (COLAs) made to veterans.[36] It earned bipartisan support and passed in September 2019.[13]

Foreign policy

Luria is a self-described “unabashed supporter” of the U.S. relationship with Israel.[37][38]


Luria was listed as one of 60 House Democrats who expressed support for some kind of physical barrier on the border in January 2019.[39]


In September 2019, Luria labeled herself a “security Democrat”—an idiom for freshman Democrats with national security experience[40]—and called for an impeachment inquiry against Trump in a Washington Post op-ed.[41] In an October 2019 town hall meeting in Virginia Beach, Luria charged that Trump had “Enlist[ed] the help of a foreign leader to influence and malign a potential political opponent to affect the outcome of our next election all under [the] guise of trying to fight corruption.”[42] Later in October 2019, Luria formally voted for an impeachment inquiry against Trump,[43] and joined all but three House Democrats to vote for impeachment on both counts: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in December 2019;[44] all House Republicans voted no on both charges.[44]


Luria accepts the scientific consensus on climate change and is concerned about the physical impacts of climate change on global instability and military readiness. She also believes the Trump administration attempted to discredit military and scientific experts on the physical impacts of climate change, which she views as an aspersion to the national security and scientific apparatuses.[45]

Stock trades

Luria opposes proposed legislation that would ban lawmakers from trading stocks, calling the efforts “bullshit”.[46]

Gun policy

Luria favors instituting red flag laws and universal background checks on all gun purchases.[47]

In 2022, Luria voted for H.R. 1808: Assault Weapons Ban of 2022.[48][49]

Corporate donations

In her 2018 campaign, Luria pledged not to accept donations from political action committees (PACs). She was consequently endorsed by End Citizens United, a group that seeks to reform campaign finance laws and reduce the role of corporate money in politics. In 2020, Luria accepted $34,000 in corporate PAC contributions from the PACs of a tobacco company and defense contractors, among others.[50] PolitiFact rated Luria’s decision to accept corporate PAC funding a “Full Flop.” End Citizens United expressed disappointment in Luria’s reversal.[51]

Committee assignments

Caucus memberships

Electoral history

Virginia’s 2nd congressional district Democratic primary results, 2018[57]
DemocraticElaine Luria 17,552 62.3
DemocraticKaren Mallard10,61037.7
Total votes28,162 100.0
Virginia’s 2nd congressional district general election results, 2018[58]
DemocraticElaine Luria 139,571 51.1
RepublicanScott Taylor (incumbent)133,45848.8
Total votes273,400 100.0
Democratic gain from Republican
Virginia’s 2nd congressional district general election results, 2020[59]
DemocraticElaine Luria (incumbent) 185,733 51.6
RepublicanScott Taylor165,03145.8
IndependentDavid Foster9,1702.5
Total votes360,277 100.0
Democratic hold
Virginia’s 2nd congressional district general election results, 2022[60]
RepublicanJen Kiggans 153,323 51.63
DemocraticElaine Luria (incumbent)143,20448.22
Total votes296,976 100.0
Republican gain from Democratic

Post-congressional career

In February 2023, Luria launched the Defend Democracy PAC, a political action committee to support electing Democrats to the Virginia General Assembly.[61]

Personal life

Luria’s husband, Robert Blondin, is also a retired naval commander and spent 27 years in the service.[11] Luria has two stepchildren and a daughter born in 2009.[62] The family resides in Norfolk,[63] and she gave the commencement speech in May 2019 at Virginia Wesleyan University.[63] Luria attends Ohef Sholom Temple, a Reform Jewish synagogue in Norfolk.[64]

See also


  1. ^ “Elaine Luria”. Archives of Women’s Political Communication. Archived from the original on April 8, 2019. Retrieved December 13, 2018.
  2. ^ “Another way to serve: After 20 years in the Navy, Elaine Luria running for Congress”. Southern Jewish Life. March 7, 2018. Archived from the original on November 7, 2018. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  3. ^ a b c d Fractenberg, Ben (October 3, 2018). “Navy Vet Represents Wave Of Female Jewish Candidates”. The Forward. Archived from the original on December 18, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  4. ^ “Notable Alumni”. Indian Springs School: Notable Alumni. Retrieved June 10, 2022.
  5. ^ Schneider, Gregory S. (November 5, 2018). “Democrats Wexton, Luria and Spanberger unseat Republicans Comstock, Taylor and Brat, while Kaine cruises in Virginia”. The Washington Post. Archived from the original on November 7, 2018. Retrieved November 7, 2018.
  6. ^ a b Portnoy, Jenna (November 21, 2019). “How Rep. Elaine Luria’s faith inspired her to speak out on Israel, impeachment”. Washington Post. Archived from the original on February 27, 2020. Retrieved July 28, 2020.
  7. ^ “Elaine Luria; (1975 – )”. Jewish Virtual Library. Archived from the original on April 11, 2020. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  8. ^ Minium, Harry (November 7, 2018). “ODU Graduate Elaine Luria Wins Tight Election for Seat in U.S. Congress”. Old Dominion University. Archived from the original on September 1, 2020. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  9. ^ Brueck, Hilary; Kotecki, Peter (January 3, 2019). “The US just elected 9 new scientists to Congress, including an ocean expert, a nurse, and a biochemist. Here’s the full list”. Business Insider. Archived from the original on May 9, 2020. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  10. ^ Winer, Stuart (November 3, 2018). “Meet the Jewish military veterans running for Congress”. The Times of Israel. Archived from the original on January 17, 2019. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  11. ^ a b “For Elaine Luria, it’s ships to mermaids”. Jewish News. April 28, 2017. Archived from the original on November 7, 2018. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  12. ^ Frackenberg, Ben (October 3, 2018). “Navy Vet Represents Fresh Wave Of Jewish Women Running For Congress”. The Forward. Archived from the original on December 18, 2019. Retrieved November 13, 2019.
  13. ^ a b Boykin, Nick (October 1, 2019). “Rep. Luria’s bipartisan bill becomes law after being signed by President Trump”. WTKR. Archived from the original on October 29, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  14. ^ Bartel, Bill (January 8, 2018). “Mermaid Factory owner, retired Navy officer to take on Rep. Scott Taylor in election”. The Virginian-Pilot. Archived from the original on November 8, 2018. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  15. ^ “In US House Race, Former Naval Commander Targets Former SEAL”. WBOC-TV. May 24, 2018. Archived from the original on July 27, 2018. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  16. ^ Brufke, Juliegrace (November 6, 2018). “Dem Elaine Luria defeats GOP’s Scott Taylor in Virginia”. The Hill. Archived from the original on November 26, 2018. Retrieved December 13, 2018.
  17. ^ “Virginia House results from 2018”. CNN. Archived from the original on November 9, 2018. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  18. ^ Bravender, Robin (January 27, 2018). “Va. has 5 U.S. House rookies. Here’s how they spent their first year”. The Virginia Mercury. Archived from the original on November 4, 2020. Retrieved April 13, 2018.
  19. ^ Virginia presidential results by congressional district Archived January 2, 2021, at the Wayback Machine from Virginia Department of Elections
  20. ^ Oliver, Ned (November 5, 2020). “Chesterfield and Lynchburg hadn’t backed a Democrat for president since 1948. Biden changed that”. The Virginia Mercury. Retrieved December 13, 2020. Virginia Beach, which Democrats last won in 1964 when Lyndon B. Johnson was on the ballot
  21. ^ Collins, Eliza (December 1, 2021). “Virginia Democrat in Tight District Pushes Defense Policy, Not Biden’s $2 Trillion Build Back Better”. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 3, 2021.
  22. ^ Flynn, Meagan (November 8, 2022). “Who is Jen Kiggans, the Republican who ousted Rep. Elaine Luria?”. Washington Post. Retrieved December 10, 2022.
  23. ^ a b c Albiges, Marie (January 3, 2019). “Virginia’s Elaine Luria sworn in as Democrats take over House”. Daily Press. Archived from the original on February 5, 2019. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  24. ^ “District Profile – US House of Representatives District 2”. Virginia Public Access Project. April 22, 2020. Archived from the original on May 29, 2019. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  25. ^ “Redistricting – US House of Representatives District 2”. Virginia Public Access Project. April 22, 2020. Archived from the original on February 19, 2020. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
  26. ^ “Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump”. FiveThirtyEight. January 30, 2017. Archived from the original on June 11, 2020. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  27. ^ Bycoffe, Anna Wiederkehr and Aaron (April 22, 2021). “Does Your Member Of Congress Vote With Or Against Biden?”. FiveThirtyEight. Retrieved June 3, 2022.
  28. ^ “Pelosi Names Members to Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol”. July 1, 2021. Archived from the original on August 2, 2022. Retrieved August 3, 2022.
  29. ^ “Rep. Luria Shows Video of Pres. Trump Recording Jan 6th Rose Garden Message |”.
  30. ^ “Trump’s outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee”. YouTube.
  31. ^ Shapiro, Walter (August 3, 2022). “The Rapid Rise of Elaine Luria, the Boldest Moderate in Congress”. New Republic. Retrieved December 25, 2022.
  32. ^ Grisales, Claudia (July 25, 2022). “New evidence shows Trump toned down his condemnation of the deadly Capitol attack”. NPR.
  33. ^ Freking, Kevin (June 16, 2021). “House votes to repeal 2002 Iraq War authorization”. AP News.
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U.S. House of Representatives
Preceded by

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Virginia’s 2nd congressional district

Succeeded by

U.S. order of precedence (ceremonial)
Preceded by

as Former US Representative

Order of precedence of the United States
as Former US Representative
Succeeded by

as Former US Representative