Current Position: State Delegate of District 26 since 2010
Affiliation: Republican
Tony Wilt serves on three committees in the House, which include Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources (ACNR); Commerce and Labor; and Militia, Police and Public Safety (MPP). In 2014 he was appointed as Chairman of ACNR Subcommittee #3, which predominantly considers water quality and Chesapeake Bay related issues. In 2018 he was named Chair of MPP Subcommittee #2.
In addition, he serves as the Chairman of the Virginia Small Business Commission, is a member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, the Manufacturing Development Commission, and the Board of Visitors for the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind.
OnAir Post: Tony Wilt
First elected to the House of Delegates in June of 2010 in a special election to fill the seat vacated by Matt Lohr, Tony is currently serving his fourth full term as the Delegate for the 26th District. He serves on three committees in the House, which include Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources (ACNR); Commerce and Labor; and Militia, Police and Public Safety (MPP). In 2014 he was appointed as Chairman of ACNR Subcommittee #3, which predominantly considers water quality and Chesapeake Bay related issues. In 2018 he was named Chair of MPP Subcommittee #2. In addition, he serves as the Chairman of the Virginia Small Business Commission, is a member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, the Manufacturing Development Commission, and the Board of Visitors for the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind.
Tony is a lifelong Shenandoah Valley resident who grew up in Bergton and now lives just outside Broadway. He is president and general manager of his family’s business, Superior Concrete Inc., which has been serving the local community for over 60 years. Tony is a past president of the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, an active Ruritan and a past Zone Three Governor for the Ruritan’s in Rockingham County. He is a life member of the National Rifle Association and an active member of several other sport hunting associations. Tony and his wife, Vickie, have been married for over 30 years and have two grown children.
Work Experience
- President/General Manager
Superior Concrete, Inc
- Bachelor of Applied Ministry
Cornerstone Bible College
2005 - A.A
Blue Ridge Community College
- Birth Year: 1961
- Place of Birth: Harrisonburg, VA
- Gender: Male
- Race(s): Caucasian
- Religion: Nondenominational
- Spouse: Vickie
- Children: Rebecca and Matthew
Membership & Affiliation
Truth and Grace Ministries (elder)
Virginia Small Business Commission (chairman)
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind (board of visitors)
Bergton Ruritan
NRA (life member)
Virginia Bear Hunters Association
Manufacturing Development Commission
Legislative Assistant: Chad Funkhouser
Administrative Assistant During Session: Ann Vazquez
- Government –
Capitol Office
Pocahontas Building
900 E. Main St,
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: (804) 698-1026
District Office
P.O. Box 1425
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Phone: (540) 208-0735
Government Page, Campaign Site
Source: none
Recent Elections
Tony O. Wilt (R) | 10,273 | 53.99% |
Brent M. Finnegan (D) | 8,725 | 45.85% |
Write-In (Write-in) | 31 | 0.16% |
TOTAL | 19,029 |
Tony Wilt (R) | 11,106 | 54.5% |
Brent Michael Finnegan (D) | 9,234 | 45.3% |
Write In (Write-in) | 30 | 0.1% |
TOTAL | 20,370 |
WILT, TONY O has run in 4 races for public office, winning 4 of them. The candidate has raised a total of $302,214.
Source: Follow the Money
Militia, Police and Public Safety
Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources
Commerce and Labor
Chair: Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources – Subcommittee #3
Chair: Militia, Police and Public Safety – Subcommittee #2
Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources – Subcommittee #4
Commerce and Labor – Subcommittee #3
- Chesapeake Bay Commission
- Chesapeake Subcommittee
- House Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources
- House Commerce and Labor
- House Militia Police and Public Safety
- Interstate 81 Commission
- Manufacturing Development Commission
- Small Business Commission
- Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, Board of Visitors
Voting Record
See: Vote Smart
New Legislation
Source: Virginia Legislative Information System
Source: Campaign page
Civil Rights
Defending the Second Amendment
As a lifelong sportsman and concealed carry permit holder, I am a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. I have fought attempts to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens to use firearms for self-defense or for sporting purposes, and I will always support the rights of innocent citizens to defend themselves and their families from those who would seek to do harm. I have had the opportunity to advance pro-gun policies that eliminate unnecessary firearm restrictions and further expand the rights of lawful gun owners. I will continue to support this fundamental right.
The Right to Life
I am firmly pro-life. I will continue to do everything in my power to prevent our tax money from providing abortions. In cases where a mother chooses to have an abortion, I have and will continue to support efforts that ensure that she is fully aware of the decision she is making and all of the alternative options available to her. I also supported and signed on as a co-patron to the measure which ensures that when abortions are performed, they are performed in a safe, clean environment with all of the proper equipment available
Economic Prosperity and Job Creation
Traditionally Virginia has been ranked as one of the top states for business and job creation, but in recent years our rankings have begun to slip. Last year we were actually near the bottom of the list of states for economic growth. These are more than statistics, this translates to less opportunities for jobs and upward improvement in the lives of Virginia families.
As a businessman, I know that government can’t create jobs, but it can foster a climate to make it easier for the private sector to prosper.

To improve our jobs climate, we need to let Shenandoah Valley families and small businesses keep more of their own money to invest in their communities by lowering the tax burden and controlling spending. Where appropriate, we should lift the burden of costly regulations that are not serving their intended purpose or the public interest. While overregulation can be harmful to all businesses, it can be most detrimental for small businesses that simply do not have the resources to try to stay both compliant and profitable. Additionally, we must maintain and strengthen our right-to-work laws that give workers the freedom to choose whether or not they want to participate in a labor union.
During my time in office I have opposed tax and fee increases and patroned measures that seek to cut through government red tape and place more scrutiny on our existing regulations. I have consistently supported legislation that solidifies our status as a right-to-work state, which is one of the greatest tools in our toolbelt for attracting new businesses and jobs to the Commonwealth.
I am a firm believer in our free market system. It provides the best opportunity for every citizen to pursue his or her dreams. Government has a responsibility to establish a level playing field and basic requirements for safety and welfare, but it should not be so intrusive and costly that it stifles the ability of individuals to pursue their dreams.
Ensuring a Quality Education for all Virginians
The Commonwealth consistently has one of the top ranked public education systems in the United States. However, changing technology and workforce needs require us to constantly reevaluate what can be done better. I support the current high school redesign effort to better prepare students for the workforce or higher education upon graduation from high school. While the success of our schools is not based solely on funding, it is an important factor. Since I took office, the General Assembly has invested an additional $1,040 per student annually back into k-12 education. I have supported teacher pay increases and efforts to direct more dollars to the classroom, and will continue to do so.
I believe in accountability for students and teachers, but I also understand that too much standardization and testing can stifle student interest and limit teacher effectiveness. This is why I supported the Standards of Learning Reform legislation in 2014 and will continue to favorably consider other reforms that seek to strike a more appropriate balance.
We are blessed to have local public schools that generally perform above the state-wide averages, but unfortunately some areas of Virginia are not so fortunate. Even in good schools there are students that are not thriving in the traditional learning environment. This is why I have consistently supported and co-patroned legislation that seeks to provide improved opportunities for all students, regardless of income, zip code, or individual learning needs. Among these proposals, I have supported measures to establish more charter schools in Virginia, a full time virtual learning program, a scholarship tax credit program that allows low income individuals to attend private school, and a measure that would empower parents of disabled students to utilize resources that would otherwise be expended on their student in the traditional classroom setting to get the specialized assistance they may need.
Law enforcement must have the tools they need to protect our communities. This starts with ensuring they are fairly compensated for putting themselves in harm’s way day after day. While no amount of pay is adequately sufficient, during the 2017 Session we provided a significant boost to our State Police along with more modest increases for locally supported officers.
I believe redemption and rehabilitation should be the goal for individuals that commit criminal acts. However, victims of crime cannot be forgotten. I support out truth in sentencing laws, as they ensure individuals that commit serious crimes do not get a simple slap on the wrist for their offense. During my service, I have patroned several measures to protect victims and make our communities a safer place to live. Among these are initiatives to expand the Address Confidentiality Program which helps protect victims of domestic violence and the creation of a presumption against granting bail for defendants who threaten a witness. I also sponsored legislation that increases the penalty for soliciting a minor for prostitution, straightened our texting while driving laws, and ensure defendants that commit heinous crimes post sufficient bond to guarantee they appear in court.
Personal Responsibility
While there is a need for a safety net to protect the economically disadvantaged from falling into dire conditions, in most cases such entitlement programs should be designed as temporary assistance, rather than long term, which undoubtedly creates a culture of dependence. Furthermore, I support efforts which crack down on abuse, fraud, and unnecessary waste in these programs. I successfully carried a measure which prohibits TANF (welfare) recipients from purchasing inappropriate items with taxpayer dollars, such as alcohol and tobacco products. I intend to continue to pursue reforms such as this that ensure tax dollars are being used for their intended purpose.