Jennifer Woofter

Jennifer Woofter


Current Position: Business consultant
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2019 State Delegate

OnAir Post: Jennifer Woofter



Source: Campaign page

For more than a decade, Jennifer has run her own business, helping organizations save money and increase profitability through better management of environmental and social risk. She has personally worked with more than 100 businesses in the United States and around the world to eliminate abusive labor conditions in the supply chain, reduce harmful pollution from manufacturing facilities, and partner with communities to create vibrant local economies.

She began her career and political experience as a staffer for the US Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, where she worked on bipartisan issues of fraud, waste, and abuse in government agencies, civil service reform, and regulations oversight.

Today, Jennifer runs her consulting business in Lynchburg and continues to consult for large companies. In addition, she is a facilitator for Co.Starters, a nationwide program building entrepreneurial ecosystems and an adviser with the Small Business Development Center. To date, she has trained more than 30 entrepreneurs in Central Virginia.

Actively involved in the local community, Jennifer has served as a board member for the James River Council for the Arts and Humanities (JRCAH) since 2015. In 2017, she helped show that the arts contribute $10.8 million dollars annually to the local Lynchburg economy. She is also a facilitator for Bridges to Progress, a multi-year initiative to build economic vitality in under-served areas of the region. Jennifer sits on the Lynchburg City School’s Equity Task Force and is the co-chair of ROSEL’s List, a nonprofit dedicated to identifying, mentoring and electing women to positions of leadership in Central Virginia.

Jennifer is a tireless advocate for Virginia families, first as a foster parent and now as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer in the foster care system. She lives in Lynchburg with her husband and their three children in a historic home with a mini-farm out back. They can frequently be found fostering puppies and kittens from the Lynchburg Humane Society.


Work Experience

  • Staffer
    US Senate Committee and Governmental Affairs
  • Facilitator
  • Board Member
    James River Council for the Arts and Humanities

Volunteer Experience

Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteer in the foster care system




    Jennifer Woofter for Virginia
    PO Box 722
    Lynchburg, VA 24505
    Phone: 434-381-0858


    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


    Source: none


    Source: Follow the Money



    Redistricting Reform

    Both Republicans and Democrats do it: once they get into power, they deliberately manipulate the legislative district boundaries to stay in power. It’s called gerrymandering, and it’s got to stop. Citizens should pick their representatives, not the other way around. It’s a conflict of interest for the legislature to draw its own district lines, which is why we need to move to a nonpartisan, independent process.

    Getting Money Out Of Politics

    We deserve elected officials who will fight for our communities, not simply vote for laws that benefit corporations who write the biggest check. We need to rewrite Virginia’s campaign finance laws, which are currently among the most lax in the nation. In the meantime, we’ve made the decision not to take campaign contributions over $2,500 from corporate PACs or registered lobbyists. And we don’t take any contributions from publicly-regulated utilities, where conflict of interest is especially problematic. See our campaign finance disclosures here.



    Getting Smart on Gun Sense

    There are few topics more polarizing than gun rights. But studies show that we are more united than meets the eye. There are plenty of commonsense steps we can take right now to reduce unintended gun violence. Things like tax breaks for gun safes, restraining orders that stop domestic abusers and those in mental crisis from getting guns, and universal background checks. These issues have wide support across party lines.


    Living-Wage Jobs

    We have record low unemployment across Virginia, but too many of our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet. We don’t need more jobs, we need better jobs. That means targeted investments to create living-wage jobs right here in Central Virginia — especially those with annual salaries of at least $50,000 that don’t require a 4-year college degree. If those jobs happen to be part of the new green economy (like renewable energy), that’s icing on the cake.


    Next Generation Education

    An estimated 65 percent of elementary school kids today will ultimately work in jobs that don’t exist yet. We need education pathways (like an emphasis on STEAM, innovation and entrepreneurship) that prepare them for a rapidly changing future. Affordable and accessible higher education is one way to get there – whether that’s in a 4-year degree program, at a community college, or in a technical training or apprenticeship program. And it all starts by fully funding our public school system.


    Health Care

    Affordable Access to Healthcare

    A single medical emergency shouldn’t drive a family into bankruptcy. The costs of routine medical procedures shouldn’t be shrouded in mystery. Patients fighting cancer shouldn’t have to drive more than 75 miles round trip for radiation treatment. Expanding access to Medicaid last year was a huge step forward for Virginia families, but we need to do more to improve the delivery, quality, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of today’s healthcare.

    Expanding Broadband Internet Access

    With 70 percent of the world’s internet traffic flowing through Northern Virginia, it’s time to make reliable broadband access a reality across the entire Commonwealth. The slow pace of broadband expansion is a drag on local economic development and hurts our ability for innovation in areas like education and telemedicine. Without significant and aggressive investment in broadband, we can’t compete.


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