Meets on: Monday at 15 Minutes After Adjournment in Senate Room A, Pocahontas Building
Members: Dick Saslaw (Chair) – George Barker – John Bell – Creigh Deeds – Adam Ebbin – John Edwards – Lynwood Lewis – Louise Lucas – Dave Marsden – Monty Mason – Steve Newman – Tommy Norment – Mark Obenshain – Lionell Spruill – Scott Surovell
(12 Democrats and 3 Republicans)
- Energy
- Health
- Insurance
OnAir Post: Commerce and Labor Committee (Senate)
Note: Details on bills passed below are in the Heading “Bills passed”)
- SB 1182: Motor vehicle liability insurance; increases coverage amount.
- SB 1219: Paid family and medical leave; SCC’s Bureau of Insurance to review and make recommendations, report.
- SB 1223: Virginia Energy Plan; amends Plan to include an analysis of electric vehicle charging infrastructure
- SB 1225: Broadband services; school boards to appropriate funds for expansion of services for education.
- SB 1247: Electric generating facility closures; integrated resource plan.
- SB 1255: SCC; issuance or renewal of insurance licenses or registrations during an emergency.
- SB 1269: Health insurance; authorization of drug prescribed for the treatment of a mental disorder.
- SB 1275: Workers’ compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases
- SB 1284: Commonwealth Clean Energy Policy; established.
- SB 1289: Health insurance; carrier business practices, provider contracts
- SB 1295: Electric utilities; procurement of certain equipment.
- SB 1310: Va. Human Rights Act; application of laws applicable to employee safety and payment of wages.
- SB 1334: Broadband capacity; expands existing pilot program, municipal broadband authorities.
- SB 1351: Workers’ compensation; claims not barred.
- SB 1375: Workers’ compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19
- SB 1413: Phase I or Phase II electric utilities; provision of broadband capacity
- SB 1420: Electric utilities; nonjurisdictional customers, third party power purchase agreements.
– January 19, 2021
Senators also rejected a compromise measure from Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw (D-Springfield) last year that would have allowed unions to collect some fees from nonmembers. Just three members of the Senate’s powerful Commerce and Labor committee voted for that proposal.
“If sharing the expenses of writing a union contract can only get three votes, a full repeal of Virginia’s prohibition on union shops does not appear to have the votes to pass the Senate right now,” says Sen. Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax), who supported Saslaw’s compromise.
Carter’s latest repeal attempt may have already encountered an early roadblock. As of Jan. 19, House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn had not assigned the bill to a committee, prompting speculation from supporters that the Democrat intends to let it die.
Senate Bill 1334, sponsored by Sen. John Edwards, D-Roanoke, would extend a current pilot program that allows municipalities and government-owned broadband authorities to participate in expanding broadband to unserved areas of the state. The bill does not have any fiscal impact, according to the fiscal impact statement.
The legislation has already passed the Senate and would be sent to Gov. Ralph Northam for his signature if it passes the House without any amendments. It advanced through the Labor and Commerce Committee with a 22-0 vote.
Another Senate-passed broadband bill advanced in the committee with amendments. Senate Bill 1413 would make permanent a pilot program that allows utility companies to petition the State Corporation Commission to provide broadband capacity to unserved areas of the state. The bill allows companies to recover the costs and revenue generated from providing broadband services. It would also consolidate the SCC’s petition approval process to one hearing.
The bill is now before the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor. He acknowledges that rounding up enough votes from Republican senators will be tougher.
Brianna Esteves, manager of state policy with Ceres, agrees with Bourne’s assessment. She was pleased when the stronger bill emerged from the House Labor and Commerce Committee last week on a 16-6 bipartisan vote.
“Last year’s version passed in the House, but there was pushback in the Senate,” she said. “This bill shouldn’t be controversial. But we might see the same thing happen again this year. I’m not sure there’s enough interest among legislators to stand up to Dominion Energy.”
WFXR TV, – February 11, 2021
The bill is now before the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor. He acknowledges that rounding up enough votes from Republican senators will be tougher.
Brianna Esteves, manager of state policy with Ceres, agrees with Bourne’s assessment. She was pleased when the stronger bill emerged from the House Labor and Commerce Committee last week on a 16-6 bipartisan vote.
“Last year’s version passed in the House, but there was pushback in the Senate,” she said. “This bill shouldn’t be controversial. But we might see the same thing happen again this year. I’m not sure there’s enough interest among legislators to stand up to Dominion Energy.”
From Senate Rules: “A Committee on Commerce and Labor, 16 Senators, to consider all matters concerning banking; commerce; commercial law; corporations; economic development; industry; insurance; labor; manufacturing; partnerships; public utilities, except matters relating to transportation; tourism; workmen’s compensation and unemployment matters.”.
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Meets on: Monday at upon adjournment of full committee in Senate Room A, Pocahontas Building
Members: Lionell Spruill (Chair), Louise Lucas, Dave Marsden, Steve Newman, Tommy Norment
Health Insurance
Meets on: the call of the Chair in TBD
Members: George Barker (Chair), John Edwards, Mark Obenshain