George McCall

George McCall III
From campaign site


Current Position: Executive Chairman, First Sentinel Bank
Affiliation: Other
Candidate: 2019 State Senator

OnAir Post: George McCall


George McCall

Source: Campaign page

Driven by a deep passion for Southwestern Virginia, faith in the Lord, and support for the Trump Agenda, George McCall is committed to draining the swamp in Richmond – where the values that have long made our nation great have become a source of mockery and derision.

Born in Richlands, VA to G.W. “Bill” McCall, Jr. and Vivian Sewell McCall, George learned at a young age a lesson quoted by his grandfather: “We all breathe the same air and put our pants on the same way, one leg at a time.” Since then, George has been a fierce believer that all people deserve to be treated fairly – with no one receiving special treatment because of their socio-economic status or connections to power.

His grandfather was a strong leader, former Mayor of Richlands, entrepreneur, and successful businessman who also taught George, “the more money there is in circulation, the more opportunities there are for everyone.” To pursue a path toward creating more prosperity and opportunity for his community, George attended the University of Richmond and graduated from Richmond College, where he studied Economics.
George went to work for Grundy National Bank in 1978. He met his future wife, Lyn, while in Grundy, and they married in 1984. They welcomed their first child, Haley, in 1986, and their son, Connor, was born in 1988. In 1989, George went to work for First Sentinel Bank (formerly Sentinel Savings Bank) in Richlands, VA and commuted for 7 years before moving his family to Richlands.

Currently, George serves as the Executive Chairman of First Sentinel Bank. There, he has established a strong track record of financial achievement, executive leadership, and played a crucial role in the creation of countless local jobs.

In 2015, George became an early and strong supporter of Donald Trump and a strong voice for his election here in Southwestern Virginia. Seeing all that President Trump has been able to do to Make America Great Again, despite opposition from all sides, is a source of inspiration to George as he seeks to fight against the stranglehold the radical left and political establishment has on our Commonwealth.

A fixture of our community, George knows how to lead and, just as importantly, he’s committed to service. Through his involvement in the life and economy of District 38, he knows firsthand that our representation has been inadequate. With all his insider connections, my opponent has chosen to use those to help his buddies, not advance our district.

That changes with State Senator George McCall.

Throughout his life, George has been an active member of the community, serving as chairman of the board of trustees at his church, chairman of the board of trustees at the local hospital, treasurer of the local little league baseball/softball association, and treasurer of the Sons of the American Revolution, and more.

He is also a proud member of the NRA and the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Along with banking, George continues to enjoy raising beef cattle, which he has done for over 20 years.


Work Experience



Membership & Affiliation


  • Treasurer, Sons of the American Revolution
  • Member, National Rifle Association 
  • Member, Virginia Citizens Defense League




P. O. Box 309, Richlands, Virginia 24641


Campaign Site, Facebook


Source: none


Source: Campaign page


President Trump

Our president is doing a phenomenal job against incredible odds – with intense opposition from the media, the radical Democrat Party, and even establishment Republicans. George McCall proudly supports President Trump, and he will be a strong MAGA voice in the Virginia Senate.

Civil Rights


ALL human life is sacred – loved and designed by our Creator. Because of this, George is pro-life and will never back down. With a wave of legislation sweeping the nation that protects the unborn, Ralph Northam’s Virginia stands in stark contrast – with a radical proposal for infanticide. No more! As our senator, George will be the bold voice for life that we so desperately need.

First Amendment

The right to free speech and free exercise of religion was under intense assault under the Obama Administration, and that same leftist worldview still permeates much of the judicial system and the entire Northam Administration. George McCall will fight for our rights and for our religious freedom.



What you make, you earned. The government does not know how to spend your money better than you do, and we must curtail excess taxation. As our senator, George will be a strong voice for taxpayers and for smaller, more limited government.


Government keeps sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong. It can’t tell us what to do on our property, how to run our businesses, or dictate to our coal industry how to operate and produce. Advanced technology has allowed for cleaner and more efficient mining with less impact on the environment – because the free market, not government interference, is what drives progress and innovation. George McCall will be a force for cutting red tape and regulation in Richmond.


George McCall is the ONLY candidate in this race who is a businessman and job creator, NOT an attorney. We have enough attorneys in Richmond who know how to talk and create insider deals, but we don’t have enough business leaders who know what it takes to produce jobs and a thriving economy. That’s why we need George McCall in the State Senate, fighting for wealth and opportunity for our district.


Agriculture plays a significant role in the Southwestern Virginia economy, and it always will. George is committed to encouraging our farmers and ranchers, listening to their needs, and seeing the industry grow, thrive, and provide full-time employment to the citizens of District 38.


Richmond doesn’t know best what your child needs. Parents should be the decision makers for their children. Teachers should be empowered and rewarded. Local school boards should have the authority needed to execute the right path for their communities. It’s time to get back to the values, local decision-making, and common sense that made our education system great in the first place. George McCall will work to restore the right to faith in our schools, ensure our classrooms are fully funded, and provide our parents, school boards, and teachers with the tools they need to raise up Virginia’s most valuable resource – our children.


Only citizens can vote. Only citizens should receive government services. Only citizens or those with legal visas should be in our country. A staunch foe of illegal immigration, George will work to make certain our laws are enforced and that no illegal alien EVER casts a vote in Virginia.


Second Amendment

Our right to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed. Sadly, the Left cares nothing for our Constitution and continues to attack this fundamental right. George is the pro-gun voice we need in Richmond who will work to repeal laws that infringe upon the 2nd Amendment and proactively work to restore our ability to have and to carry our guns.


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